Opening day is so fun because it's the familiar sights and smells that formed our Saturday mornings most of last summer. It's excited hellos and finally get my hands on favorite treats. My family was eager to get some favorite snacks into their bellies right away.
Harvest Café Coffee - My first stop is always Harvest Café because they make the world's most incredible Iced Mocha. I was bummed on Saturday- I got there later than I'd like (due to a bike ride so it was a good reason) and they had run out!
What would a farmer's market be without farmer's and locally grown produce? Beets, asparagus, strawberries are abundant this time of year in Indiana.
Our favorite honey supplier is at our farmer's market! I can buy her honey at a local vitamin/health shop but it's just not the same as stopping at her booth for honey straws every Saturday morning. Wildflower Ridge Honey. Just look at how beautiful that honey is!
It's been about 7 years since I bought a 1/4 cow from Royer Farm Fresh Meat but this is still one of my fave stops each Saturday. We don't cook a lot of meat so I don't buy regularly but I keep saying I want to do that 1/4 thing again sometime. I really like this family and what I know of how they run their farm and their business. You can find them at markets beyond Fishers, too. They are at Broad Ripple, Terre Haute, and have a store on the farm, too!
Another popular item at our market - plants and flowers. You can buy plants for your own gardening, hanging baskets, decorative planters. There are about 4 or 5 vendors selling a beautiful assortment of plants!
One of the regulars is crafty vendor Mimi and Blondie. She makes blankets, superhero capes, tutus, and so much more! I'm not crafty at all- I've got the skill but lack the patience- so I always enjoy when others share their talents.
And one of my favorite vendors is Sugar 4. There is nothing in the world like a Hint of Jalapeno Brownie. And I think my kids would flip if they couldn't pick out a gingerbread man or shortbread heart cookie. Jennifer is the owner/baker and we became friends last year- she's my favorite friendly face at the market.
And our last stop is always Mathoo's Eggrolls. Love to get these unhealthy treats home and dig right in! I learned this year that the family who owns Mathoo's has kids in my church's preschool. Small world! There is always a line, they are always busy.
I didn't see Captain Jim's Hot Sauce. I need him to be there because I need a new bottle of hot sauce! I didn't see the dog treat people or the candle people. Hoping some just weren't ready for opening day and will be there in the future.
I'll be featuring more of the regular and favorite vendors and finds over the summer. Like the Mennonite farmer (he requests no pictures). And I can't wait to tell you about the artisan balsamic vinegars and olive oils (4 words: dark chocolate balsamic vinegar. Seriously from heaven.). And the musician who plays guitar and sings my favorite folk songs. And My Dad's Sweet Corn. And the guy who grows veggies in his backyard right down the street. And the iced tea booth (one of Teagan's favorites). And so much more!
Last year, I shared some of my favorite tips for visiting your local farmer's market. I shared my opening day excitement then, too. I'd love to hear about your farmer's market ventures where you live!
Bring cash. You don't know who takes credit cards and you don't want to miss out on anything by not having the easiest form of payment!
Talk to people. The vendors at a Farmer's Market at part of your community! They are friendly and eager to sell to you. Chat and ask questions. If you don't know what a vegetable is, ask! Ask how to prepare it. You can learn a lot from the people who grew it or made it.
Bring shopping bags. I suggest bringing a few if you can. Bring an insulated bag for cold items. Bring a bag just for produce and a bag for other items that might be heavier.
Just go! It doesn't matter if you've never been to a Farmer's Market before. It doesn't matter if you don't go to the one down the street. Just go and check it out!