My husband. The father of my children. My best friend. My life partner. My co-parent. My soul mate. My lover. My everyday.
I've already shared about our wedding. I can tell you all the typical stuff that people talk about- how we met (cast in a community theatre production of "The Snow Ball"), our first date (we didn't actually have one), and so on.
I could wax on about all the things I love about him. Or complain about everything he does that drives me nuts. I could share the little everyday things that he does that make him who he is. I could talk about his job, his hobbies, his friends. his preferences in music or movies or TV shows.
Instead, I'm just going to share some pictures. Pictures that capture him in some, but certainly not all, of his moments.
His "Comin' To Getcha" Face
The Face He Makes That Makes Zappy Laugh
The "Get That Camera Out Of My Face" Face
The "If I Make A Silly Face, Maybe She'll Put The Dang Camera Down" Face
The "OK, Fine. Keep Taking Pics and I'll Just Go All GQ On You!" Face

But no matter the face, he's mine. He's all mine. Body and soul, mind and spirit. And I'm his. We may bicker or fight or snip at each other. We don't agree on politics. We aren't in the same religious place. But we work.
Work is the key word. We don't struggle through and bear some odd torture by being together. It's been 5 years of marriage. 7 years of knowing each other. And there have been no deal breakers. No great struggles. But then I stop and think about what we have suffered together. The miscarriage. Ginger's unexpected passing (our dog). His grandfather's passing. Family relationships that don't work. We have faced a handful of relatively minor stresses. But WE have faced them. We have struggled through them together. We trust each other to buckle down, dig in, hold on to one another, and make it through. We work. We accept. We work. We compromise. We work
And we laugh. I'd like to laugh more. But we find humor in so much of life. We laugh through things whenever possible- from a funny movie to a 3 year old's meltdown to health issues to whatever else life throws at us.
Work, compromise, laugh. And take a lot of pictures.
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