Tuesday, August 31, 2010
You've Got A Friend

Monday, August 30, 2010
You Are Beautiful
Operation Beautiful is similar to what I do with my inspirational notes via Facebook and even on this blog.
Several months ago, there were some people on Facebook that wanted to tear me down for my notes. What's funny about it- I just did my little notes because I felt moved to do them. And people started to ask me when I'd do another one because they enjoyed them so much. And if I stopped for a few weeks, someone would ask when they'd see another one go up. And when I'd post one, I'd get comments and messages about how "I really needed to hear this right now."
Seeing the note on the sign at Target reminded me that those notes really are important. That note wasn't written specifically for me- but I sure enjoyed seeing it. I even got out my pen and wrote a note back: "Thanks! U 2! :)"
How about you? Is there something small you can do today to help someone smile? What if you participated in Operation Beautiful and left a note or shared a note with friends to let them know they are loved, they are beautiful, they are amazing?
Need a simple idea that you can do that won't cost a single cent?
Sunday, August 29, 2010
The Melting Pot

Saturday, August 28, 2010
Destination: Unknown

Friday, August 27, 2010
Feeling Good in My Friday Birthday Afterglow

My Aunt Kathy wanted me to make sure that everyone who read the iPad post knows that she isn't an old lady. She sent me a recent pic that shows her lovely smile- and her entire tomato harvest from her backyard garden. All 2 cherry tomatoes!
My Aunt Kathy and her 2 tomatoes make me feel good!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Mission Statement
I sat next to Heather of Just Heather and the founder of Inexpensively. She is an outrageously fun woman! She is so full of energy that is absolutely contagious and she is smart as a whip when it comes to all things social media. I had a lot of laughs sitting next to her and also gained some knowledge.
There was one bit of advice she gave me that I've actually been mulling over for a while now. It's something I've certainly heard before but never actually tried to do.
Develop a mission statement.
As Heather said, it doesn't have to be published, it doesn't have to be grand. But it helps you stay focused on why you do what you do.
I've thought about it before but I guess I'd always had a hard time figuring out what my purpose was in this blogging thing.
I started it on a whim; actually, I was forced into by Christy. But I love it and I keep going so there must be some reason, some purpose.
There are blogs dedicated to weight loss and fitness. There are blogs detailing the experiences of women escaping domestic violence situations. There are blogs dedicated to bringing a face and voice to homelessness. There are travel blogs and RVing gay couples on a year long adventure across the country blogs. There are cooking blogs and journal blogs and parenting blogs of every ilk. There aer humor blogs and political blogs and education blogs and military blogs and religious blogs that run the spectrum.
Where on earth do I fit into all of that?
I'm a mom so does that mean I'm a Mommy Blogger? I talk about my faith so does that mean I'm a Religion Blogger? I sometimes talk about current social issues and my opinions on them so does that make me a Political Blogger? I'm very open about my mission to become a Healthier Me and I even blog for FitCity Indy so does that mean I'm a Fitness Blogger?
It struck me on Saturday, as I studied the women who surrounded the table, that I don't have to fit into any sort of category in order to realize my mission. As I met most of the women and talked with them about blogging and life and kids and jobs, it struck me that the joy I get from blogging is the connections I make with other people.
Over the past few years, I find that I easily unfollow someone on Twitter or that I stop reading their blog if I never feel that any effort is made to connect back. It doesn't have to be a reply to every comment or an e-mail back for every comment. It doesn't have to be commenting on every blog post I write. It doesn't have to be a constant Twitter-fest or daily comments on my Facebook page. Don't get me wrong- I love all of that! And I do my best to give those connections back to people.
What I don't understand is when zero effort is made to connect back to a reader who has made the effort to reach out to you. I get it with the really big bloggers- that homeschooling mom on a ranch or that mom who has been on Oprah and just bought a new house thanks to her blogging career. When you get hundreds of comments on a single post or your contests receive thousands of entries, it's tough to connect back. That's when writing style is what really connects you, I think.
But when you aren't a big national sensation and you still look to your local network to lift you up and you really depend on each and every reader to be part of your blog... give back a little!
I started blogging because I had something I wanted, even needed, to put out here. For whomever to find. Sometimes, it's a light hearted something. Sometimes, it's a serious topic. Sometimes it's about my kids. Sometimes about my marriage. Sometimes even about working. I put my thoughts and experiences and opinions and philosophies and fun times out here on my personal blog. I've never had a goal in mind of what was to come of it. In all honesty, I never dreamed I'd have readers beyond Christy and Jeff.
My mission statement?
To write in an open, honest, and true voice about my life and thoughts. In so doing, I will connect with other people both local and global. Through these connections, I can become a better person and possibly help someone else better themselves as well.
And so, dear readers, I turn the floor to you. Do you agree with my mission statement? Am I fulfilling my mission?

Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Links and Fun Stuff

Monday, August 23, 2010
iPad: Bridging Generations

Saturday, August 21, 2010
Missing Out? Nah...

Friday, August 20, 2010
Focusing on Feeling Good in Fragments

Thursday, August 19, 2010
FitCity: How To Run

Wednesday, August 18, 2010
The Dinner Flow

Tuesday, August 17, 2010
How to Celebrate the First Day

Monday, August 16, 2010

Sunday, August 15, 2010
The Library

Saturday, August 14, 2010
Thoughts on this Healthier Me Stuff

Friday, August 13, 2010
Feeling Fragments. Feeling Good.

There is a local food truck called West Coast Tacos. They do lunch and dinner service. They announce their location on Facebook and Twitter. I've never been able to try them because it's never convenient for me. But people rave about these tacos. They are coming to Conner Prairie on Saturday for lunch service. We might need to go... Plus, we're members of Conner Prairie and the kids haven't had a good chance to go this summer.
I'm going out with a new group of women tonight! My friend, Emily (met her through blogging), is getting a group of her friends together for food and drinks and fun at Scotty's Brewhouse (one of my favorite establishments) and very kindly invited me to join them. I think I will only know Emily so I'm a little nervous about meeting all these new people... but am really looking forward to martinis and the dessert menu.
Jeff is detailing out the events of the game he played with cast members of the web series The Guild. Go read about it on his blog- This Is Jeffardy.