Several years ago, when I was pregnant with Teagan, I directed a community theatre production of "You're A Good Man, Charlie Brown." One of my favorite songs from it was "Happiness Is..."
I believe you choose happiness and happiness also just happens- but you have to be open to it to recognize it. I believe that happiness is really about appreciating the little things that are around you.
Happiness is...Finding a pencilPizza with sausageTelling the time
I believe that children can teach us a lot about happiness... if we let them.
Happiness is...Learning to whistleTying your shoe for the very first timeHappiness is...Playing the drum in your own school band
I believe that we can find happiness in most moments. There will always be tragedies, hard times, trauma. And happiness will be hard to see in that moment.
And happiness is walking hand in hand
Happiness is realizing that you have people beside you in those hard times. That you have a hand to hold as you find your way through a tragedy.
Happiness is...Two kinds of ice creamKnowing a secretClimbing a tree
But then there are accomplishments. Confidences. Connections.
Happiness is...Five different crayonsCatching a firefly, setting him free...
Diversity. Doing the right thing. Celebrating differences. Freedom.
Happiness is...Being alone every now and thenAnd happiness is coming home again.
Time for myself. Time on my own. Being with my kids. Being with my husband. Being with my mom, my dad, my brothers, my family (even without cauliflower).
Happiness is...Morning and eveningDay time and night time too.For happiness is anyone and anything at allThat's loved by you.
Waking up. Going to sleep. The things and people I love. Yup. Those are all happiness for me.
Happiness is...Having a sisterSharing a sandwichGetting along
Now this one reminds me of Christy. My chosen sister. With whom I often share food and a love of food. And life is best when we are in our stride, on the same wavelength.
Happiness is...Singing together when the day is throughAnd happiness is those who sing with you.
Music. Friends. Singing with my kids.
And back to the most important...
Happiness is...Morning and eveningDay time and night time too.For happiness is anyone and anything at allThat's loved by you.
Happiness is love. When I choose to love my husband... when I choose to love my kids... when I choose to love other people... when I choose to love myself... when I choose to love God... when I choose to love the people hardest to love... that is when I truly find Happiness.
Would you please also take a moment to go visit my friend, Teacher Tom? He wrote, by chance, on this same subject yesterday and his words are wise and wonderful!
I agree with you. That said, I feel sorry for people whose temperaments or life circumstances make choosing happiness difficult. Happiness is a gift, but not one everyone can receive easily, which is sad.
I giggled a little when I was reading some of this. The other night I was with my 4-year-old nephew and he started whistling. I felt so happy and proud in that moment. It was a great feeling!
This is terrific! I haven't seen that show in a long time and I've always loved it. Sadly, by the time it was written I was too old to play any of the roles and I never got the chance to direct it. You're lucky to have it in your repetoire! You just cannot listen to the song without feeling all warm and fuzzy. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, and especially the YouTube version.
I agree with you. That said, I feel sorry for people whose temperaments or life circumstances make choosing happiness difficult. Happiness is a gift, but not one everyone can receive easily, which is sad.
Such a great post, Liz!
I giggled a little when I was reading some of this. The other night I was with my 4-year-old nephew and he started whistling. I felt so happy and proud in that moment. It was a great feeling!
this is totally right - you choose your life and your attitude. you can either be a tigger or an eyore! love the xmas background too
This is terrific! I haven't seen that show in a long time and I've always loved it. Sadly, by the time it was written I was too old to play any of the roles and I never got the chance to direct it. You're lucky to have it in your repetoire! You just cannot listen to the song without feeling all warm and fuzzy. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, and especially the YouTube version.
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