Oh my silly, sweet boy...
Seven is an age of change for you!
You are growing into your own person but you still very much want love and approval in all things from your big sister, your parents, your teachers.
You are the peacekeeper in our house. Sometimes I feel terribly guilty about it - that so much attention goes toward other people or situations and sit quietly and wait and then you try to help people feel better with a well timed "I love you!"
You are so incredibly smart. Sometimes it seems like your brain constantly thinks in math. Random conversations will suddenly have a math slant to them because of some random idea you picked up on and found the math in.
I love watching your desire to learn things. I don't understand the things you like - thankfully we've got Daddy around to explain and discuss Minecraft and technology and science and space and tools.
You are starting to develop your own relationships and friendships in the context of our family and community. You've always had close friends in your class at school. But now I can see you developing relationships with kids in the neighborhood - kids who are older and are typically your sister's friends. But they are starting to ask for you when they come to the door!
I love watching you play and watching your athleticism. Your shyness keeps you away from team sports but you've grown so much doing tae kwon do with the family. I love watching you play basketball in the driveway and watching you figure out ways to play with various tennis balls, basketballs, soccer balls, golf balls, and so on.
I love your affectionate side. You don't come for hugs and snuggles as often as you used to and sometimes you deny me when I want to hug you (I should know better than to interrupt Pokemon, though). But. every day you are loving and sweet and tender and every day I love to hug you and rub your fuzzy head and kiss your cheeks - even if I have to sneak it in while you're asleep.
I love you, sweet boy!

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