Go to the website to read about the Girl World Tour. Because it sounds amazing and if Teagan were about 3-4 years older, I would soooo be all over this. I can think of friends and fellow bloggers that I just know would love this opportunity!
The tour comes to Indianapolis:
Indianapolis, IN – Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Host: Big Hat Books
Location: Saint Richard’s School
Time: 6:30-8:30pm
Tickets: Contact Big Hat Books at 317-202-0203, or purchase in store at 6510 Cornell Avenue.
And I've been given the opportunity to give YOU 2 sets of tickets! 2 moms (or otherwise involved adults) and 2 girls. 2 winners.
1. Leave a comment sharing your own experience with Mean Girls- either being one or being the victim of them.
2. Follow me and leave a comment letting me know that you are either already a Follower or that you are now following me.
3. Fan me on Facebook (link in the right sidebar) or let me know you've already fan-ed me on FB (again- let me know by leaving a comment).
4. Blog about the giveaway on your own blog (talk about bullying or giving young girls confidence or any other tie in subject) and leave me a comment letting me know about it.
5. Tweet a link to this blog post or do a Facebook link on your page linking to this blog entry (and leave me a comment here about it).
6. If you aren't from Indy but you want to collect up entries, please do. You can then leave a comment telling me who you want the entries to go to! Share the love!
You get the idea... if you are in the Indy area... this is a fantastic opportunity! So spread the word. Let's pack the house on Feb 23. And let's get 2 fans of Eternal Lizdom in the crowd with their daughters!
Winners will be announced Sunday evening- Feb 14. Happy Valentine's Day!
Oh- one other rule... I want to hear ALL ABOUT IT afterwards!!
Pick Me!!
Pick Me!!
Oh wait, I just betcha air fare isn't part of the deal.
Liz you know I've struggled with this already with my oldest daughter per my blogs about it. She is just 8, so I don't think she's old enough for some of the material, but I LOVE this idea and hope it comes back around in a couple of years. I've extrememly passionate about this. I watched a PBS special on girls a few weeks ago and it got me ALL fired up and passionate about helping the girls in our lives. Thanks for posting this!
@ Sarah I believe it's targeted for girls age 8 - 14!
@ Momza Man do I wish I could afford to spring for the airfare myself- just to meet you!!
Thank you for the link! I am going to the site. My daughter is 10.
Girls can be the worst.
Don't enter me because I don't live in the area. I just wanted to say thanks for the link!
What a shame that I have two boys and haven't seen Mean Girls and don't live anywhere near Indianapolis. Otherwise, this would be awesome.
Whoever wins will have a great time.
THANKS for coming by and your site is way too cool...and u r right, Teacher Tom is one inspirational guy ;-)
I don't need to win; it's a bit of a roadtrip for me, but I wanted to say that I loved that book. She knows her stuff!
Liz, I am happy to post this info on my facebook page. I love this book and this sounds like a great event! Olivia is 14 and Sophia is 11 so this is right up our alley. Thanks for letting me know about it!
My Annie just turned 13 (3 hours ago to be exact) and we've had our share of the mean girl drama in our house. There's the quiet bullying and the outright nastiness. I'm happy to say that Annie is pretty independent and has surrounded herself with a great group of generally nice girls. And oddly enough, in her class, it seems that the mean girls are the ones finding themselves on the outside.
I'd love to go to this and take Annie with me.
Tweeted the opp:
And of course I'm already following you!
I'm already following your blog :)
...and I'm already a Fb fan! Woohoo!
As you read on my recent blog entry, we've had a few situations this year with our 11 y/o DD being a bully at school. We've talked with her about it and I really think that this tour may be another great addition to our techings about being mean to her!
I'd love to take Nadine to this and share the experience along with her :)
I updated my Tweet for the first time in months LOL!
...and I just updated my Fb status. I wish I had seen this sooner. I would have done this all week. I honestly don't know how I missed it! <3
And here is a blog linked back to you!
I was often teased growing up so you could say I was the victim of mean girls. I got glasses when I was in Kindergarten and back then hardly anyone had glasses. So I was often teased for that. I also went to HS in a very stuck up community and girls were mean to other girls simply because they didn't wear the right clothes. I hated Middle School because so many girls were so verbally mean to me and my friends. Things got a little better in HS but truthfully I really have no desire to ever go back to any reunions because of my experience.
I am a fan of yours on FB
I am already a follower. . .
Hi there! I've been following you for a while and would love to win these tickets. As a children's librarian and friend to many kids, I'm continually being regaled with horrific stories that make me wonder what in the world we've become. I can't get over the shock of hearing the various ways some kids are finding to be cruel to one another. While my heart goes out to the victims and my anger burns against the injustice of it, I can't help thinking that the kids who commit this kind of cruelty who don't really get the kind of correction they need are really victims too. I hear about these massive anti-bullying campaigns at school, but when the rubber meets the road, they don't seem to substitute for the love that's missing in these kids' lives. While we need to support victims of this sort of stuff, the bullies may really be just as needy of our time, our attention, our love, and most of all our correction. Could this be an outcome of the neglect, lack of compassion and love within families? It boggles the mind. I can think of so many people I'd want to share these tickets with. Hats off to you for covering this topic and sharing this giveaway.
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