Friday, July 23, 2010

Welcome to Feel Good Friday!

Feel Good Friday is a weekly meme hosted by The Girl Next Door Grows Up (click the button above and go visit her!). She has been on a "blog-cation" this week and I offered to host her meme so she could sit back and relax. I really hope that her readers will come link up- and maybe some of mine will join in, too! Here's how FGF works: Choose a prompt, blog about it, link up below! The prompts: ◦Just make a list. List 5 things that made you really happy this week. No matter how bad or boring you think your week was, I bet you can find 5 things. ◦Write about something that happened to you this week that really made you smile. Was it your child, husband, or maybe a complete stranger did to you? ◦Write about something that YOU did for someone else that really made them happy or laugh. ◦Is there something you treasure so much that every single time you look at it, it brings you happiness? Post a pic and tell everyone about it. ◦Having a hard week and can’t find one good thing about it? Well then, what is your happy place? What do you think of that makes you happy? A past vacation? A childhood memory? We want to know! ***** I have to say that it has been a tough week. A tough couple of weeks. Certainly, things could be worse. But having achild who is in that negative place of acting out behavior every. single. day... it wears on you. It's hard on me, my husband, my son, my marriage, and on my daughter- even though she's the one making these choices. Last week, when it was really smacking me upside the head, I don't know that I could have responded to much very positively. I was very mired in the whole thing and spent a lot of time working it out, figuring it out, developing a game plan. It's a pretty typical way for me to handle a difficult time. The next pretty typical step for me is to try to find fun things. To be silly. Especially when I can't just be the fun mom with my kids- when I have to sacrifice fun times because my daughter hasn't earned the privilege. So the things that I have found happiness in this week include (but are not limited to): - Taking silly pictures of my haircut. - Watching Big Brother with my husband (it's an ultimate guilty pleasure for us and a fantastic way to escape... but it also scares us to think that our child might someday end up a reality TV show star). - White Sangria - Pay day - A Massage - My little boy refusing to let me kiss him... because he wants to kiss me instead! - Finding a way to help a friend - New running shoes (post to come on that- bought these shoes as a temporary pair until I figure out how to run) - Having a husband who is very serious about us parenting our children together - Watching the birds twitter about each evening in the trees outside my living room window - Laughing with friends -Normal phone conversations with my mom; I love that we are friends! ***** Your turn!! Focus on the positive! Feel good this Friday! Link up below!! Photobucket


Anonymous said...

Yay for Feel Good Friday! I hadn't given this meme a go yet, so I piggy backed on your double up posting this week.

Thanks again for your help! I'm amazed at how better I feel already. I laughed with myself, and sometimes at myself all day on Thursday. This has been the most productive, and positive day I have had in a long time.

Liz rocks. 'nuff said!

(How random is it that my Captcha to post this comment is "LIZerh"!)

mimbles said...

Your silly pics of your haircut made me happy too :-)

purplume said...

Good ideas for uplifting. Thanks for sharing and hosting.

This is such an upbeat meme.

CristyLynn said...

It's amazing how we can come up with little things that make us smile when we stop and think about it. Thanks for sharing! Oh, and thanks for hosting! :)
I'm going to go check out your haircut pictures now.

Amber at The Musings of ALMYBNENR said...

Thanks for hosting this week. I hope things start looking up with your daughter soon. I can't imagine how hard that is.

Sugar Bear said...

I too am coming off a couple hard weeks here. Life just keeps rushing past.

I loved your list. Thanks for hosting while Ms. Erika gets to play and have fun and stuff. ;o)

Garret said...

"- Watching Big Brother with my husband (it's an ultimate guilty pleasure for us and a fantastic way to escape... but it also scares us to think that our child might someday end up a reality TV show star)."

I snorted at this comment. Don't make me snort anymore - it's unattractive.

Lola said...

We watch BB too- though it is DVRd for this week (also watch SYTYCD and that was higher on this list for me).
Have a great weekend!

Alison said...

I didn't intend to write a feel-good post last night, but I guess I did! Rosie made me happy. :)

Fiorella said...

Loved the haircut pics! Wish I could go through life with text boxes to cover the things I don't want seen!

Thanks for hosting. My first time here, and I'll be back!

Bill Lisleman said...

Thanks for taking Mrs. 4444 suggestion and stopping over at I can't blog.

Your comment there has given you official ICB team membership.


Jackie said...

Thanks for hosting while Erika is enjoying some much needed time with the fam! It is always a hard thing at the end of a busy stressful week to find something positive at first, look though at all the wonderful simple things to feel good about on your list!
Liz at some point this phase of childhood will pass and in later years will be remembered at laughed at, right now just take a deep breath and count your lucky stars that you have such beautiful children and a caring husband who is there to help!

TGIF and have a great weekend...

jackie ^_^

Amy said...

Hostess with the mostess, and I'm not talking cupcakes! Did your white sangria have fruit in it? Love that!

Kelly Miller said...

I used to hate birds, but we've recently begun watching and paying attention to the ones in our yard ... and suddenly I get it. Love their little games and noises!

Anonymous said...

Loved the haircut photos!

And white sangría...yum! That sounds like a great summer drink.