Friday, February 18, 2011

Friday Fragments: Bits and Pieces

Mommy's Idea

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A month ago, my daughter asked me who Martin Luther King, Jr was and it led to a great learning opportunity. Yesterday at school, the kids learned about MLK and Rosa Parks. I called the director, Lori, to hear how it went because I was so eager to know if all the learning we'd done a month ago and stayed with my daughter. It had- she was offering information and answering questions. In talking to Lori, I learned of another book that I want to add to our collection at home. She said the language is a little over their heads but the pictures tell their own story and allow for a great narrative. If A Bus Could Talk Click the link I gave to the previous blog entry for the books we found in our library, too!


Did you check out my addition to the Fit City Indy Mom Blog this week? If not, you should- I'd love your input!


Teagan and I went out to dinner together last night and talked a lot about what they'd covered in school that day. One of the things her teacher, Ms. Sally, shared with the class was her experience as a young girl in the times of the Civil Rights Movement. Ms. Sally had a nanny who was black. The family had a home up north and also a home in Florida. Ms. Sally's nanny was very much part of the family but when they went to Florida, there were restrictions of what her nanny was allowed to do with the family. Ms. Sally shared with the class that she remembers sitting in a restaurant, crying because her nanny couldn't eat with them or be with them in that restaurant.

Knowing ahead of time that this story had been shared, I asked Teagan if Ms. Sally had shared anything about when she was a little girl. Teagan said, "Oh yes! She told us that she used to get very sad because her grandma couldn't eat with them in restaurants!"

(And yes, I did then explain to Teagan what a nanny is...)


Tomorrow is day one of Project 52. I've got some goals set and even blocked out time on my calendar. I'm giving 4 hours of my day to cleaning tomorrow. I'll give an hour to the playroom, an hour to the kids' bedroom, an hour to the kitchen, and an hour to the living room. Chances are excellent that the first two rooms can be done in an hour together. I'm hoping that Jeff and the kids will either help or Jeff will keep them occupied downstairs (and out of my way!).


Speaking of goals, I'm freaking out a little bit over the running thing. I've got 2 weeks until the 10K and I haven't run more than 4 miles ever and the most I've run in the past few months is 3 miles. 10K = 6.2 miles I've got some serious work to do. Today, I am determined to run 3 miles. Tomorrow, I am determined to run at least 4, possibly 5. Next Saturday, I'm going for 6.


After lots of talking about what she'd learned at school that day, I asked Teagan what her favorite thing was that she had learned about Rosa Parks or Martin Luther King, Jr. She thought for a moment and then lit up and declared, "When Rosa Parks got married!"

(I told Ms. Sally that story this morning and she told me that she focuses part of her lesson plan on Rosa Parks' husband because he was such a strong supporter of Rosa and was the backbone to her choices.)


I wrote yesterday about my visit to the Indiana Statehouse.

I parked at the nearby Eiteljorg Museum. The Eiteljorg has the world's most relaxing and calming parking garage stairwell I've ever been in!

(Do you have to pee now?)

I also took a few pictures inside the Statehouse- it is a beautiful building.Photobucket

And one of a little piece of art outside that I think needs more attention and remembering: Photobucket Photobucket


C. Beth said...

Liz, can I give some unsolicited advice? Please ignore it if you wish. :) I'm concerned about you increasing your distance THAT quickly. If you want to shoot for 4 miles this week & 5 miles next week that's probably better. The rule of thumb to help avoid injury is don't increase more than 10% per week. So even 4 this wk/5 the next is pushing it but hopefully you'll be fine. Trying to go from 3 to 4 to 5 or 6 in one week...I'm concerned you will injure yourself.

Before my first 10K the furthest I'd gone was 4.7 miles. You don't have to know you can run 6 before doing the race. Let adrenaline get you through.

Bill Lisleman said...

Good to hear Teagan is getting good positive lessons about tolerance and diversity. I wish more kids did.
Thanks for sharing the Lincoln placard being from Illinois I tend to think of his history ties to Illinois mostly.

Jene said...

Ooh, I would love to visit that garage! Very pretty.

I have to agree with the other commenter on the 10% increase rule - while you might feel like you can handle those jumps from a cardio, stamina, and muscular perspective, the tiny bones in your feet and your ligaments can't handle a quick ramp-up like that. Just take it slow.

FWIW, when I started really trying to train for the marathon in January the farthest I had ever gone was 6 miles. It's an ambitious goal! Do you have a good training schedule put together? I would google half marathon training schedules and find one that will keep you on track and healthy.

Eternal Lizdom said...

Beth and Jene, you are both right. And I needed to hear it. I think the realization that the 10K is 2 weeks from tomorrow is just overwhelming me! I do have a training plan but I've already gotten off track from it and I think I'm trying to jump back to it too fast.

lisleman, Teagan is lucky to have parents who care and we are blessed to have found a school that can give her such great lessons, too!

Kay said...

oh wow, i love that lincoln quote!! fabulous! don't you just love teaching them and those moments when the lightbulb goes on?? i do too ;-)

i sympathize with your running dilemma! i trained for a mini marathon while we lived in KY. I was terribly nervous till I hit the 10 mile mark. then everything seemed easy. you can get there, you can do this!! get your mind wrapped around it and go. it's all in your mind ;-)

The Crazy Coxes said...

I love the nanny comment. Too cute! Your pictures are beautiful! Good luck with your cleaning goals.

Heather said...

I ran my first 5k in October 09, did a 4 mile race in February and ran my first 10k last May. I did not have a formal training plan, but I can tell you that I increased my endurance for distance by adding 10% to each run and walking at least a mile after my run time. I didn't run more than 5 miles at a time before the race and still finished come race day. Slow and steady, you can do this!

Cyndy Bush said...

Have you read The Help by Kathryn Stockett? It's about nannies & housekeepers in the South, very good book.

Garret said...

Ummm, is there a bathroom right near the garage? I wonder what the fatality rate is of people falling asleep on the stairs and tumbling down?

Oh, and funny, but my family calls my Grandmother, Nanny. Always have.

Karen M. Peterson said...

You're gonna ROCK the 10K. I have two weeks until my first 5K and I'm freaking out because I can't even run a mile yet. Luckily, it's a run/walk.