Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Project 52: 1
Here's the history.
Here's the update!
I blocked out time on Saturday to tackle specific parts of the house.
Unfortunately, I hadn't slept well for 2 nights in a row. And I woke up feeling cruddy. My legs were a little sore from the previous day's run so my plan for a long run Saturday morning was immediately scrapped. Decided to get a head start on my cleaning plan and headed for the playroom.
There were moments that it felt overwhelming- and this is one of the most "in control" rooms in the house. But then I just sat down and got down to basics. Pick something up, put it away. And within a few minutes, I was well on my way to getting the room put back together.
I found a few toys that I identified as ready to go in the donation pile. Zach surprised me by offering up the Fisher Price barn- but he's right. It isn't a toy they play with regularly. So it's in the donation pile.
Then the cruddy feeling I'd woken up with got worse and I went to lay down for a bit and ended up sleeping for a little while. Woke up, out to lunch, home after an errand.
Wanted to get back to my list... but my energy was completely lacking.
So I decided to take on a smaller project that hadn't made it to my list yet. The entryway. I got the steps mostly cleaned up. Picked up a lot of trash and junk mail and disposed of it.
So it's a small step.
Next week's goal: Get the donation stuff out of the house. I have at least 3 trash bags full of clothing, a bag of coats, and I'll have a bg/box of toys, too.
I'm going to use Project 52 to update my running goals, too.
Goal: Run a half marathon in May.
Mini-goal: Run a 10K on March 5.
I had some arch and ankle issues. Got new shoes- going full on minimalist with Merrell Barefoot. Monday, I did 3 miles in them on the treadmill. And I felt like I could have gone more but I was using the run to test something important- my breathing.
I think I might be facing exercise induced asthma. I made an appointment with my doctor for next week to look into it.
But it was a huge milestone for me- a mental victory. Not having any true pain during the run was amazing. Feeling like I could go further, do more... I haven't felt that in a long time and it was a huge salve to the anxiety that's been building up about the upcoming 10K.
Here's to more positive updates next week!
Sounds like your body is fighting off a cold or something. Feel better!
I look forward to hearing more about the barefoot runners. Miss Chef's been having knee pain that's really hampered her running, so I can understand your relief in being able to run pain-free!
I think one of the benefits of Project 52 is it makes you attack a big problem in little bites--one room at a time, right?
Congrats on your running and on the organizing!
this is such a big challenge... I look forward to reading more about your journey!
Run a 10K? I can't even run across the street. I'm impressed. Keep up the great work!
Great job on the cleaning...one step at a time. It can be overwhelming (to me too.)
I'm excited about your 3 mile run! You will make it to the finish line of your 10K!
I've heard about this barefoot running thing, but it sounds uncomfortable.
I desperately need new running shoes. Especially since I'm doing a 5K in a week and a half. I guess it's not time to get new shoes since I wouldn't have time to break them in, but I don't know how I'll walk the next day with the shoes I have now.
Good luck to you! I know you'll be awesome on your TEN K!
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