Thursday, May 1, 2014

Unexpected Motivation #13HealthExpo

I recently had the opportunity to attend a health expo put on by a local TV channel (WTHR).

I wasn't sure what to expect.  Part of me thought it would be a bunch of elderly people there to get cholesterol screenings and blood pressure tests.  Part of me thought it would be lots of medical practices.

Instead, it was a REALLY fun event for me and my 9 year old daughter.  This event would have been fun and informational by myself, with a few friends, or with my family.  I am already eagerly awaiting the event next year.

Teagan and I got to report the weather, do a head to head obstacle course competition, learn all about healthy eating and dental care and avoiding sugary drinks.  We met Rowdie (mascot for the Indianapolis Indians), participated in a gymnastics and track and field sampler, were enthralled by a trampoline demo, and collected lots of bags, medals, pens, and lip balm.

And I had an interesting moment of realizing how much I miss being fit.  Used to be that the short obstacle course set up by the Indiana State Police wouldn't have been much of a sweat for me.  3 step ups, hop down a ladder, 3 burpees, roll a tire, carry a medicine ball, do bear crawls.  But now?  In my not in shape body?  It almost killed me.  I tried my best and I completed it.  But I was very much reminded of what my body could do just a few short years ago and how much work I need to do if I'm ever going to get back to that kind of level.  My weight doesn't matter - I want to be able to tackle a crazy little demo obstacle course without feeling like I need one of the standing by police officers have the EMT's standing by.

trampoline demo by Geist Sports Academy

green screen! Teagan doing a weather report (reading a teleprompter).

doing some gymnastics warm ups with coaches from Geist Sports Academy

She earned a medal!

Hangin' with Rowdie!
So here's the bottom line.

I need to exercise. More.  A lot more.

I need to get more serious about my health - specifically in terms of routine visits to the dentist and the gynecologist.  I've totally slacked in the last 1-2 years.

Next year, I want to OWN that obstacle course.  Like a boss.

How about you?  What will it take to get you or keep you motivated?

sig jan 2014 photo owlsig.jpg


Karen M. Peterson said...

That health fair sounds awesome.

I want to get myself back into running so I signed up for a half marathon. It's in 6 weeks. I'm a little bit freaking out.

Garret said...

I love the photo-booth-ish pics.