Lunge Circuit - 1 min. (lunge forward twice, turn around and lunge back to start- we didn't do it with weights this time)

Push Ups - 30. sec. Yes, I did "girl" push ups.

Squat Jumps - 30 sec. No, I didn't go topless.

Dumb Bell Lawn Mowers - 30 sec. (Both Arms)

Resistance Curls - 30 sec. The pic is really a squat thing. But you get the idea- stand on the band, keep elbows pinned to sides, curl up your arms.

Lateral Bounds - 30 sec.

Abs on Mat (Toe Ups) - 30 sec. Stay flat on back and keep legs up and lift toward ceiling, crunch, crunch. crunch.

And then repeat it all 2 more times. Whew!
Hey, you look great, Liz! Well, I'm sure you feel great, anyway.
I wish any of those pics was me!! LOL!! I can't even imagine that I'll look like any of them someday... which is fine. My energy level is higher and my abilities are greater and that's what matter for me these days!
Love the pics! It'll make it easier to remember what those terms mean.
I worked hard last night to find all those pics. Glad you appreciate them!
Sorry, I couldn't get past the man pics and even read the text. Don't do that!
Garret- I totally thought about making a little note about "hoping Garret enjoys the man candy" but wasn't sure how well received that would be. Good to know I can post pics of half naked muscley men for you.
Liz, I am SO FAR from being a prude. I have to tone down my own blog. Trust me, I'm cautious in my words but not in my actions! :-X
So I should treat you the same way I treat my other gay friends. LOL!
Absolutely! You mean like with gifts and stuff, right?
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