Friday, December 3, 2010
It Didn't Start Out Bad
Yesterday started out as a normal day. I was in a fine mood. Got to work and my morning was normal.
And then something weird happened. I have no clue what happened. But something had to have happened to set my day on the wrong course.
Around 11, I set an appointment with a co-worker to review a product line that I need to become familiar with. When setting that appointment, I took time to review the agenda for my 1:00. My 1:00 was a web and conference call where I'd been asked to lead a demonstration on a computer system for our corporate office. I reviewed the list and was confident about what I needed to do.
Left for lunch- workout day. Hadn't made it to the gym Tuesday or Wednesday. Had to go. Went and had a great workout. Did 1 mile, some weight work, and then another mile. Head to the locker room. Set up my post shower clothes, turn on the water, start to strip down and happen to glance at my phone when it suddenly hit me...
Christy was witness to my panic freak out. I tossed her my phone and asked her to call our admin and tell her to tell my boss that I'd be there in 5 minutes. Christy couldn't work my phone- which is understandable. I jumped into the shower, cranked the water to cold, spun around, rinsed my hair in the ponytail, jumped out, grabbed my towel, scooped up my dirty clothes, and raced into the toilet stall. Half dried myself while shoving my legs into clean undies and somehow putting on my bra at the same time. Raced out of the bathroom and headed for my clothes when I figured some deoderant might be a prudent choice. Raced to my locker and back to my clothes.
At this point, Christy and our trainer decided that hanging on the sidelines until I was done was their best option.
I flew into my clothes. My shirt had a tie in the back and I let it stay untied. I grabbed my coat and threw my dirty clothes into my gym bag and shoved my bag into the corner since I knew I'd be back the next day. I grabbed up my sweater, my towel, my purse. And I raced out the door. Yep- my gym towel is in my car instead of in the gym's hamper. Ah well... I'll be back soon enough.
Dash to the car, take off, get to work (across the street, thank heavens) and find a space close to the front door. Dash out of the car, run across the parking lot (and never out of breath!!), into the front door, down the hall to my office. I fling my stuff to the floor in the general direction of a chair while shoving the door shut behind me. I dial in and apologize profusely and then hear groan-worthy words from my boss...
"Liz, I've got my screen already shared here in my office. Could you just come in here?"
I'm still sweating. I can feel sweat drip down my back. Heat is radiating from my scalp. I'm certain I smell like a gym. Like someone who just did a big, sweaty workout. And she wants me to come into her office. Where she always runs a space heater.
I do a quick search for some body spray but come up with nothing- I consider the Static Guard in my drawer but pass.
And it was fine. I didn't miss much and no one was upset with me. It was fine. I never got stinky- even if I felt like I needed a shower.
I didn't get my shower until about 10:00 last night- rushed home to meet the family for dinner and then off to church for music team practice. Home to watch a little TV and then a nice, relaxing shower before bed. Until I got that shower... everything was just a little off. Not bad... just off.
Ever have one of those days?

Wow, you must admit it ended up nicely :)You handled it very well :).
Static Guard.... LOL
As someone who regularly leads web training sessions, presentations, conference calls, etc, AND is a fellow lunchtime exerciser, you just described one of my biggest fears. I've not had it happen yet though (*knock on wood*).
Unfortunately, I'm having one of those days today so far. TGIF!
My Wednesday sounded like your Thursday, without the frantic rushing around, but a bad day all the same. Aren't you glad it's over?
My heart's racing just reading this. I'm glad it all worked out!
In my house, we believe in the Power of the Shower. When I get too warm, or sweaty, or tired, I become cranky and more inclined to have a panic attack. It's amazing how a nice shower seems to rinse away not only the sweat but also the stress. It's like a total reset button for me.
Is it ok if I giggle a little?
That must have been one of the best showers you've had in a while! Glad you didn't get stinky...maybe your boss was impressed by your dedication to your health. You never know.
Oh my! That did NOT sound like fun!
I hope your weekend is fabulous in compensation :-)
I could definitely feel the panic...and the worst part- you didn't get to fully enjoy or appreciate the good workout you'd just completed! Ugh!
ufda. Yes. I have had one of those days before. They stink!
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