My life has been taken over by this situation at work. I can't get anything else done. I'm bringing work home regularly. I hate this level of stress and anxiety and high intensity. It's getting better and will continue to get better.
I don't like being thrust into a position with people that I will be working with long term where I have to be pushy and make "power plays." It's not my style. But I have a boss willing to take the lead on that so I will be able to form my relationship the way I like it once we get out of this situation.
Visiting Nebraska was good. I like business trips that are valuable and this one definitely was.
Today, I work half a day and then Christy and I head downtown to the Expo for tomorrow's big event- running my first ever half marathon.
The Expo will have tons of stuff to look at and maybe buy. It's also where you pick up your race packet and get your bib.
Tomorrow morning, I'm going to go 13.1 miles on foot. I'm going to run some and I'm going to walk some. I've determined that a lot of what I have to fight is a mental battle. I'm reading Born To Run right now and it's providing some great mental boost.
13.1 miles is on thehorizon, right in front of me, about to happen.
It isn't going to happen the way I'd hoped. Life side tracked training in the last month. But I'm going to succeed because I'll be doing more than I'd ever dreamed I could and because I'm going to just plain old do it.
And then life goes right back on its super fast track- Mother's Day, preparing to preach at church, and this ongoing work situation. But getting these 13.1 miles behind me will be a big milestone and a big relief of stress that's been building up along with the work stress.
Really, the next 2 weeks should be pretty awesome in terms of life getting back to normal
So I'm going to keep celebrating Fridays. Because it's the mark of the close of another busy, stressful week.

I swear... you make me tired.
Good luck tomorrow...and slot yourself in a nap, won't you? As your Mother's Day gift?
busy busy and blogging too.
Just an observation and it might not apply - some thrive on busy. My wife has expression for her maniacal activities - "I'm on a roll". Well let me move out of the way. I don't want to get hit when you roll off. So don't over do it or the slow down will be painful. thanks for letting me put 2 cents in your comment section.
Happy Friday! I'm glad you're reading Born to Run--it makes you want to just enjoy the act of running. With the IT band stuff I'm dealing with I probably should read it again too.
GOOD LUCK tomorrow!!
So proud of you, Liz. Here's to an easy week :)
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