Friday, May 27, 2011

Friday Fragments: The Breathing Edition

Mommy's Idea


While the crazy work situation is not completely over, I do feel like we are getting closer.  Big improvements have been made and things are starting to settle down.  I'm excited about the progress that has happened in the past 5 weeks.  I feel like I can breathe again!


I realized yesterday that we had no commitments for this coming Memorial Day weekend!  That's very exciting!  Of course, my mind starts racing with a list of fun things we've been wanting to do.  I'm not going to load up our schedule.  But I am eager to be able to do some of the fun things we just haven't had time for.  Tomorrow, we're hitting opening day of our local Farmer's Market.  I'm meeting up with another mom for a little errand.  And then I think I'd like to take the family to 100 Acres at the Indianapolis Museum of Art


One of the biggest challenges of being part of Team In Training is the fundraising.  Asking people to donate money is not an easy thing to do.  What I do like is bartering for donations.  For example, my first effort is to offer advertising on my blog in exchange for donations.  I've set up levels (you can read about it on my Team In Training Page- click on the tab at the top of the page) of different donations and what you get.  I'm also going to contact some local restaurants to see if they'd help me out and I have several friends who do those independent sales things- Thirty One, Mary kay, Tupperware, etc.  I might try to host an Open House fundraising event.  So far, I've got 2 promised donations for $95 with the advertising and I have 1 personal donation of $25 from a friend.  $120 down, $1,475 to go!  What successful fundraisers have you been part of before?


I love working the day before a holiday weekend.  It is so quiet in here today.  My phone hasn't rung, I only had 4 new e-mails in my inbox when I got in this morning, no one is walking or storming past my door.  I plan to use today to get cleaned up.  My desk is a disaster because there has been no time to keep things organized.  Maybe I should give you a before pic and then share an after at the end of the day?  It's pretty bad... I'll post on my Facebook page (link to the right) to share the current and will share again at the end of the day!


Tonight, Christy and I are taking Teagan out to celebrate.  Teagan had her Kindergarten Graduation on Wednesday evening and yesterday was her last day of Kindergarten.  She is a first grader now.  And how do us girls celebrate anything?  With a trip to our favorite sushi place- Wild Ginger!  Teagan is already excited to get her very own favorite roll and not have to share it- Spicy Albcaore with Ponzu Sauce.  She also loves the shu mai (dumplings). And she wants to try the roll she had with Christy onher birthday that she liked- unagi (eel).  I love being able to share one of my favorite things with my favorite girl!


What are your weekend plans? Anything fun for the holiday weekend? Making any summer plans?  How are YOU doing??  I've felt so disconnected lately... I need an update on my friends!



C. Beth said...

I have been in charge of a team planning a farewell party for our pastors. It's tomorrow night. The planning has gone great and I've had TONS of help...but I'm looking forward to being past it too. :)

Bel said...

Haha you sound so excited! I hope you have a great weekend! :)

<3 Belly B

Ellen aka Ellie said...

I'm seems a lot of our staff is gone, too--but I think there's still flu going around. There are many subs in the building. However, all my kids are here, and that's kind of strange. No parents taking a four day weekend, that's kind of odd.

Savor the peace and quiet!

Garret said...

The sushi thing with Teagan is great. Mother-daughter bonding at its best.

Take plenty of photos of your desk, the sushi outing is a must, and why not some photos of the farmer's market?

Karen and Gerard said...

We'll be doing some shopping, going to the park and the zoo. Maybe play some basketball too. Have a great weekend!

Stopping by from FF.

Alison said...

Hi Liz! Just stopping by to say, have a great weekend. I had some trouble with Blogger this week, and no time to come back to retry comments. But I'm still around!

Have a great weekend...gonna go check out those desk pics now.

Karen M. Peterson said...

I really want to donate. I'm hoping to have some extra money this month.

My nephew is about to graduate from kindergarten too. Isn't it crazy how fast the year went?

I'm glad things at work are settling down and falling into place for you. It's no fun when work starts getting so stressful and busy that it invades real life.

Mrs4444 said...

Sh. Don't tell anyone, but I'm staying up til all hours of the morning!haha Other than that, I have NO plans! :)

We raised a lot with our penny drive, and I also got a bunch of teachers to pay $10 for the privilege of dressing casual for work (I made stickers that said, "Casually Fighting Cancer." Maybe you know a business that would let you do that? It's easy, and people love it. Good luck!