Tuesday I announced that we would be having a Family Meeting on Wednesday evening. I couldn't believe how excited the kids were!
The main topic was to talk about the plan for the summer. We explained as much as we could about what we know about the YMCA and what it might be like. We talked about making all new friends and the new grown ups who would be in charge. Then we got down to business.
Zach was up first. We went week by week. I would tell him what the theme was for that week at the Y Camp. If it wasn't something he was interested in, we would choose Little Explorers. Most interesting to me was at the end when he realized that he didn't have a Cooking theme and wanted to switch to Little Explorers for their cooking week.
Zach's summer:
Get Messy
Kids In the Kitchen
Cowboys & Space (Buzz and Woody theme)
Under the Big Top
Let's Build It
Down on the Farm
I think it will work out well because he will do a couple of weeks at the Y and then go to Little Explorers and then back to the Y- it's a mix of back and forth. He will have the experience of a new place and new people but will also stay connected to his school.
One of my favorite moments was when we were discussing a theme offered by the Y called "Imagination Station." Basically a week of being the Backyardigans... he had a hard time choosing between that and Superheroes- which we thought would be his hands down choice. But as he put it, "Using my imagination is really important to getting smarter!"
Teagan's choices were all based at the Y but she had to choose between the regular weekly theme, the cheer or dance or tumbling weeks and the special enrichment offerings for some weeks.
Teagan's summer:
Where the Wild Things Are (animals in the wild)
Sea to Shining Sea (focus on America)
Theatre: Annie
I felt like this was a glimpse into what drives my daughter. The week she was most excited about is the Theatre week. Obviously they won't be doing a full production of "Annie." But they will focus on theatrical skills and learn different songs from the show. The week concludes with a performance for the parents.
We finished the discussion on summer camp, doing our best to answer questions that we don't yet have answers for.
I then brought up the next topic in our meeting. A revisit to the rules of our household.
Jeff and I have been frustrated lately. Our family hasn't felt much like a team. We go to work, the kids go to school. The kids have fun, we work hard all day. We come home and the kids immediately start demanding food and drinks and more. So our last topic of business was a refresher on basic house rules- respecting each other. Patience, respect, listening.
The most hilarious part of the night? When we turned The Middle after the kids were in bed... if you watched it, just know that there are cameras hidden in our house because the first 3 minutes of the show had to have been stolen from our family!
Family meetings. I have to say that it was a great meeting. I got some insight into things my kids are interested in and the family had a chance to address the family dynamic in a non-confrontational way.
I was gonna say I want to come live with you this summer, 'cause that sure sounds like a lot of fun. But then there's all those rules...I dunno, will I have to make my bed every morning? ;)
Nope! Bed making is actually not on the list of rules. :)
Having to walk in snow uphill both ways to school, AND I never got to do cool summer stuff like that. My childhood sucked. Are you guys adopting? I'll even make my bed.
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