Friday, December 10, 2010
Therapeutic Running
Temps here in central Indiana have been frigidly cold. When I wake up, it's 9 degrees outside. There is a little bit of snow on the ground. That temp hasn't made it much above the teens all week.
The forecast for today was sunny and in the upper 30's! I was eager for the day because I knew I was going to get outside and run and the day was going to be gorgeous.
There was a little stress bump in my morning. It apparently had a bigger impact on me than I thought it did because it ended up impacting my run.
My run wasn't great. My mojo was lacking. The weather was great. There wasn't anything wrong with me. I just... didn't want to run.
I was pretty down about it when I got done. I was stewing in my head about running- kinda beating myself up pretty good. Excuses in my head about my size, my weight and the impact that has on my running. Negative thoughts about why I bother to run anyway... or why I call it running when I do so much walking while I'm out there.
I showered and continued stewing while I showered.
And I had a light bulb moment when I was getting dressed. I was fully aware that I wasn't being fair or kind to myself and that I was being unreasonably cranky.
I have had some great runs when I'm stressed. It struck me today that there is a unique relationship between running and its therapeutic aspects.
Running is similar to blogging and to therapy and to so many other things in this aspect.
Sometimes, I run when I know I'm stressed. And I have a great run. And while I'm running, the stress works out. I come up with ideas in my head and I problem solve or I just separate from it enough that it isn't such a big problem anymore. By the end of the run, I've had a better run than I thought was going to have and I'm feeling better than I did when I started. Those are great runs.
Sometimes, I run when I don't realize that I'm stressed. When I'm internalizing that stress and not at a point where I can work it out and then try to go out and run... the stress impacts my run in a negative way. Like it did today.
The good news is that I went a little further today than I usually do. I added 1/2 mile to my regular Friday distance. The good news is that I got out there and did it. The good news is that my stress is really just a matter of perspective and it really isn't a huge thing- just something I need to work through and figure out.
The good news is that I'm going to lace up and run again soon.
not a runner but more of a walker/hiker
I liked your analysis. Today I happened to be listening to NPR and they reported some research about eating and imagining that you ate. Interesting little mind tricks.
I totally agree with your thoughts about stress, known and unknown, and how it impacts your running - have had the same experiences here. Today, I ran pretty well until a thought I hadn't counted on popped up and BAM! there went my workout. But like you said, I went out and did it, and I will lace up again!
Cranky? Naptime! ;-)
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