2012: A review of my year of blogging.
I chose a word of the year - Steady. We celebrated Jeff's birthday. I got upset (but never followed through) on something from Teagan's music class. We adopted Buttons from the Humane Society. I made my own guacamole. I learned about myself thanks to a Women's Retreat at church. I vented about marriage and how Hollywood exemplifies the lack of commitment in our society. Teagan participated in the YMCA World Fair through her before/after school care program.
Our kids were still electronic-less and we were fine with it - mostly. Mydaughter declared me to be amazing. I confessed that I needed to, once again, get healthy. I joined Weight Watchers and shared weekly updates. I was proud of my kids at Valentine's Day. I prayed with my kids. I attended a healthy Chinese cooking class. We had a family meeting to discuss the kids' choices for summer camp at the YMCA. We worked on adjusting to having Buttons in our family.
A mom in my mom community faced a tragic loss that rocked the community. I wrote about LOVE. We dealt with my daughter's potential for meanness again. Teagan turned 7 and we had a great time celebrating! I hit up the Revolve Tour again with girls from my church - but was disappointed this time around. Spring began to... spring!
We started the month with the kids going to Grandma's house for Spring Break - leaving Jeff and I home alone. We welcomed them home with some fun in our own town. I spent a lot of time being deep. I wrote about bullying. I wrote about my church family - my ohana. I went on a weekend "retreat - the Walk to Emmaus - and brought back important learning from my experiences there. I also brought back an important lesson about my job (which had been very stressful for about a year).
I wrote, once again, about how my faith drives me towards equality. I shared ways that I find joy sometimes. I celebrated my A-Day. I finished the Dirty Girl Mud Run. I also did my first (and so far last) spin class. I chaperoned a first grade field trip and learned something about friendship. I juiced! We said goodbye to Buttons - and tried to make it special. I appreciated the blessings I have and what I am able to provide for my children. We enjoyed the opening of our local Farmer's Market.
My kids were very excited to start a summer of fun at YMCA Day Camps. I shared more of my job stress and a little bit of my mental attempts at balancing it. We had a great visit with family in Ohio. I was very excited to see a local community theatre production of Rent. I did my second annual Girlfriend Ride. I complained about my job situation some more. I realized I was being a mushy carrot. I did my 3rd annual local 5K - but had to deal with unsportsmanlike conduct in our family. I learned (the hard way) about heat exhaustion. I wrote a letter to the survivors of Sandusky (Penn State).
I had a lot to say in July! I got preachy with a song by Casting Crowns. I wrote about building a healthy salad. Expanding on the food theme, I shared what my kids were enjoying in their lunch boxes at hot summer camp. I came to the realization that I was minimizing and denying the impact my job stress was having on me. I recognized that I am blessed to have people in my life who encourage me. I also recognized that the greatest of my silver linings is my husband. I got fed up with all the hate being lobbed about. We took a weekend to getaway from home - and had a great trip to nearby Fort Wayne! I got fed up with the trappings of religion. We took in an Indianapolis Indians game. And I had yet another vent about gay people, chicken sandwiches, boycotts, and Christianity.
My favorite time of year! Indiana State Fair time! And this year brought a great day on the Midway with my kids. My job situation got worse and my stress level got higher. Summer camp ended and school began. I had a great and full of fun day at Conner Prairie with my kids. I had a birthday! I got important parenting advice from my kids. I attended Women of Faith and came away with a couple of things to ponder. I wrote about teaching my children to be the Light.
September was a month of highs and lows. I attended a worship leadership conference at Disney World with a great friend. But it was also the month that the layoffs completed at work and my workload officially spiked again. As I look back at my September posts, I can see that I was really struggling to remain steady.
I worked hard to pull myself from my funk in October. I tried to focus on being a surfing coffee bean. I focused on the theme of birth and changes. We decided to plan a big family vacation - our first in 5+ years - by booking a trip to Disney for the summer of 2013. I had a lightbulb moment about anger, I shared marriage advice, and I realized how much better we'd all be if we could be more like kids. We celebrated Zach's 5th birthday and the kids chose to move from sharing a room to separate rooms.
Life got busy again - as evidenced by fewer posts. But what I did write was pretty deep! I asked people to consider what it really means when someone says "WWJD?" I had a mom fail and shared it as a learning opportunity. I shared some thoughts on politics - mainly thoughts that We, The People are the true leaders. I was called for - but not selected for - jury duty. I faced personal conflict and made amends.
And here we are in December. I am facing the truth about the ups and downs I keep experiencing. After the Sandy Hook tragedy, I wrote about God already being in our schools - and everywhere.