Thursday, March 15, 2012

Busy Weeks Ahead!

Our lives have become insanely busy.  Again.  As usual, I suppose.

Over the course of the weekdays, Jeff or I have commitments at least 3 nights of each week.  That's on top of the regular stuff- cramming in homework, bath time, down time, bedtime into the 90 minutes we get to spend with our kids each evening and sometimes squeezing in errands in that time, too.  We've had bigger and bigger homework projects and school events for each child and that definitely adds some stress (like having to plan and build a leprechaun trap).

As I look at the calendar at our weekends,  I'm exhausted and excited by all we have going on.

This weekend, we celebrate Teagan's birthday.  She is going out to dinner Friday night with Christy (sushi, of course).  We are taking a group of friends to see The Lorax on Saturday.  Sunday is our church's 10 year anniversary so there is a special church service and luncheon afterwards.  Sometime Sat or Sun, we will be going to a school district art show- Teagan has a piece of art that was selected to be featured.  Sunday afternoon, Teagan has Daisy Scouts.  Sometime Sunday afternoon, I will be getting a text to start a special project for work for about an hour.  Sunday night, Jeff and I podcast with Dave after the kids are in bed.

The next weekend, I am spending all day Saturday with the young women from our youth group at The Revolve Tour.  I had the pleasure of an overnight trip last year for this event.  I will miss the road trip and overnight aspect of this year's event but am excited for this time with these young women.

The following weekend kicks off Spring Break.  There will be time where the kids are away at Grandma's house, time where Jeff is off for some gaming, time off of work for me.  Spring Break goes right into Easter weekend.

The calendar has events scheduled throughout April- evenings, weekends, and the ongoing high demands of our jobs and school- and well into May.

I'm tired.  A lot of the things we do are things that revive my soul or refresh my spirit.  This past weekend was a solitary little island of downtime where Jeff took the opportunity to try and turn me into a gamer (more on that another time).  It was a nice weekend of time at home where we truly ignored our responsibilities and just did a lot of vegging out.

But it feels like we are running non-stop.

I started to daydream of a getaway... something where we don't have the chaos of the messiness and demands of our house... something where we could be outdoors and get fresh air... something where we can sit and relax...

It made me realize that our getaways over the past couple of years have been fun but busy.  We come back refreshed and full of fun memories but still tired.  We go somewhere and we have an agenda, a plan, a list of things to see and do and experience.

So I am on a mission.  I am trying to find a cabin or lakehouse in a secluded area where we can spend a long weekend.  I've been pinning ideas like Brown County, Indiana cabins onto Pinterest.  I sat too long on the cabin I was eyeing and it became booked.  I started expanding my search to other parts of Indiana.  I don't want to drive more than 2 hours- keeping that busy-ness and stress down.

I found a lakehouse on Lake Freeman that I am hoping to get.  I've contacted the owners and am waiting to hear back.  I'm already daydreaming of the afternoons with the kids playing in this fenced in yard, the mornings where I take my coffee out to the boathouse to sit by the water, the evenings where we play board games or do fun activities, the baking I can do with the kids.  I'm already planning out how we would pack the van- we plan to take the dogs- and what shopping would need to happen and if we should take our bikes and...

I'm ready to go.  I'm ready for a break.  I'm ready to sit and breathe.  I'm hoping that this works out and the home is available and that we can make this work.  I think we all need it.



Katherine said...

A cabin sounds divine. With a lake view. I'm technically on vacation right now, and that still sounds amazing.

Alison said...

I know what you mean. Our Big Trip last summer was exciting, but exhausting!

You might remember our anniversary trip to the mountains two years ago--rented a cabin waytheheckback in the woods and brought the dog. We did some touristy things, but since the cabin was a bit inaccessible, once we came back in the afternoon, we were in for the day. Lovely evening bonfire, quiet nights listening to music and reading (well, Miss Chef had to grade, but anyway...). It's time for us to do that kind of thing again, too. We (I mean our society) often forgets to take a BREAK, not just a vacation!

Garret said...

Holy crap that is busy. Any conclusion on what the problem is with follow up comments? Anyone else seeing the same thing?