Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Happy 6th Birthday!

Something about turning SIX makes it feel like he's just suddenly a lot less little.  There is something that just feels smaller about those first 5 years.

Last night, I shared some of his birth story with him.  And Teagan came to listen, too.  One of my favorite things about Zach turning 6 is that Teagan is very excited about Zach having a birthday.

Zach is smart.  He's creative.  He comes up with fantastic ideas.  He is very artistic.  He's learning to be proud of all of these qualities.  He's a good friend.  He's charming.  And best of all - he still wants Mommy to snuggle him.

My sweet little boy... who slept 10 hours his first night in the hospital.  Who didn't cry until he was 10 weeks old.  Who just wanted to sleep and eat and didn't much care for being snuggled and held a lot as a baby.  His little fat baby feet that I used to kiss and hold.  And those cheeks!!

Now I fall head over heels for his big brown eyes.  I am still in awe of his little (big) feet.  And I can't stop kissing his cheeks.

Happy birthday, buddy!


1 comment:

Garret said...

Happy birthday! I like the baby pic!