Saturday, October 31, 2009
We Interrupt This Breakdown...
Friday, October 30, 2009
Friday Fragments.
Wanna frag along with me? Click the image above to go visit the fantastic Mrs4444's place and join in the fun!
** First… could you do me a favor? There is this competition going on to garner a spot on the list of Indiana’s Top 50 Blogs. Voting is super easy. Click to the site and click on vote. That’s it. No registration or anything. Could you swing a vote my way? I’d love to get on the list! And if you feel like leaving a comment over there… that would just make my day even brighter!! Thank you!!!
** The Harvest Party at Teagan's school was a success! I think the kids really had a good time. My personal fave was the square dancing. They did really well with it and then we did a big old free for all and it was a blast! One little boy took to the floor and was break dancing to bluegrass. It was so fun! I asked Teagan at the end of the day what her favorite part of the party was and she said, "Having Mommy there!" Awwwww!!!
** The meltdown yesterday was apparently just a big old stress reliever for Teagan. She was fine at school and fine when we went out to dinner and fine at Music Team. She loves Music Team (music practice at church with the praise band)- says she likes to hear me sing. She also loves when some of the other group members bring their kids and the kids get free reign over the church and can run around and play and be crazy. It's a great energy release. Well, no other kids came today. And Teagan didn't get a nap this afternoon. About 30 mins before practice was over, Teagan dropped a lego structure she'd come up to show me. She stopped on the steps, put her head down and pouted...
And fell sound asleep.
** Thanks to a comment made by Karen on that meltdown post yesterday, I happened over to Namaste by Day and looked for information on some sort of seminar that had given the blogger great help in dealing with her 2 year old’s behaviors. This lead me to Love and Logic. I downloaded one of the course offerings- one that I felt I really needed. one on calming the anger- calming your own anger. That really rocked me yesterday. Being so angry that I had to walk away from my daughter because I really felt like I was going to hurt her. I’ve been listening to this conversation about tips on controlling the anger, the frustration. I’ve got one tip that has been working well already- respond with empathy instead of anger. I used it at dinner. “Oh… I’m so sad…” If nothing else, when I dig into this stuff, I always feel more grounded and refocused. Oh! Another interesting tidbit- that I’ve thankfully not had the chance to use yet- is to sing instead of yell. Because you can yell if you are singing…
** I am watching The Office right now and Jim’s costume was FANTASTIC! Anyone else see it??
** Teagan is a child that needs to know the rules and limits and wants to, generally speaking, follow them. She was born into this world with this sense of boundaries. She’s not cautious but she just seemed to know when things were too high, too steep, and so on. She has never colored on a wall. She’s never been told NOT to color on a wall. She’s just always known that coloring is for paper. Zach is the opposite. Zach has to be watched very carefully. He will run directly off the edge of the playground. He will climb to the highest slide without hesitation. He will pick up a pen and write on anything around him. Including the instruction guide to my camera, a small cookbook, and our couch’s ottoman.
The best part? Jeff and I were right there. Zach was sitting at my feet with a little fire fighter coloring book in his lap. I look down and… ink marks all over the ottoman. Little stinker!!
** Did you hear about the Payless-Oprah deal?? It’s only good today. 50% off your entire order!! I’m taking the kids shoe shopping today!
** I won’t get around to visiting other fraggers until after bedtime because I’m spending the day with both kids at home and I want to be off the computer and on the floor playing! Enjoy your Friday!!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
We're Having A Party! And A Meltdown!
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
WWW: Who Are Your Soulmates?

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Cooking Concerns

Monday, October 26, 2009
Florida's Natural. Liar, Liar... Pants on Fire!
I caught an ad on TV the other evening. Florida's Natural was bashing Tropicana because Tropicana's OJ comes from oranges grown in the US and Brazil. It seems that most of the brands of OJ are using oranges from the US and other countries. Florida's Natural wants you to buy from them because they only use oranges grown in the US.
Check out their website with their claims.
I am all for supporting local agriculture. I am all for buying American.
So where does the lie part come in?
Apparently, all of their talk about supporting US farmers and buying American and so on ONLY applies to their orange juice.
As luck would have it, I just happened to pick up a box of Florida’s Natural fruit snacks while shopping at Target last week. Didn’t buy it- for some reason, I picked it up just to look at the label.
See the Florida’s Natural logo up there? And there is even a big old print area about the fruit being grown in the US.
What difference does it make if the fruit is grown in the US… just to be shipped to CHINA, messed with in CHINA, produced into something else in CHINA, packaged in CHINA, and then shipped back to the US??
See down there in the distribution info? Where it says “au’some?”
“Made responsibly in China.”
Lots of things are made in China. I work for 3M. We make lots of things in China and many other countries. I support buying American. I also support the global economy.
I just think you should be honest in your advertising.
If your juice is superior because it is made from US oranges, made in Florida… shouldn’t your other products follow the same quality strategy?
If you are promoting your commitment to sustainability, shouldn’t you also be concerned about the resources being used to ship fruit to China (a month by ocean), using Chinese production rules to manufacture your product, using Chinese labor to manufacture your product, and the resources being used to ship your product back from China (yet another month).
I guess Florida’s Natural just leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
The Big Birthday Weekend
It's been a very nice birthday weekend- especially given that Teagan is still trying to get over her flu. The cough is hanging on, as is some of the congestion. The fever hasn't returned since Thursday night, thankfully.
Zach has been blessed with people who love him oodles and who have given him some fantastic birthday gifts. Christy was the first big winner with Elmo Live- Elmo sings and talks and tells jokes and blows kisses. Zach greeted Elmo with a big old YAY as soon as he opened the gift bag. Brian brought along a Little People dump truck that carries a load of dirt and beeps and lights up and such. Grandma has been passing on our family's love of Winnie the Pooh for years now so it's most appropriate that she bought Zach a DVD of The Tigger Movie- which we watched yesterday and everyone enjoyed. Daddy got Zach a copy of The Land Before Time- we are watching it now and we are all loving it. Funny how the older animated films don't rely on special effects or snappy dialogue. Music tells a lot of the story- and my kids love it. Teagan picked out a Little People Airplane set that both kids have been enjoying. Mimi and Pop-pop came in with a full load of toys and a box stuffed with new clothes- a Colts athletic suit, new pajamas, a dino shirt (I haven't gone through all of it yet- he's set for the winter, though). And the toys!!! Big hits include a tub full of plastic dinosaurs, the Fisher Price Imaginext Spike Jr dino (he walks and roars and laughs), a farm animals toy, and a WonderPets seek and find book.
We ate dinner at a local spot called Casler's Kitchen and Bar. It was really good!! The service started out... meh... When we got there, there was no one else there. We purposefully did an early dinner (5:00) for that reason. I had to get up and go find our server to get our drink order placed. Things improved after that, though. The food definitely made up for it. Check out the link for the menu so you can really understand what all we had. Chicken Satay appetizer, ants on a log, garden sticks (with homemade ranch dressing that was delish), grilled tuna salad, baked brie plate, BLTA, pork tenderloin sandwiches, tarragon chicken salad sandwich, onion rings, cajun chicken salad. The menu descriptions don't really do the food justice- it was super tasty. And some of the menu items were so unique- the baked brie and my salad, for example. It's definitely a restaurant that we will be going back to again!!
Happy Birthday to my little boy. We are so blessed to have so many who love you... to be surrounded with friends and family. You have brought so much joy and laughter to our family, to our home. Here's to many more years of these birthday celebrations!
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Wednesday's Weekly Writings
Topics will be posted in advance so you can start thinking about what you have to say and share. Each Wednesday, my own post will go up and I invite you to come and share a link to your own blog answering that week's question.
When sharing your Writing, keep in mind that the answer should be personal- based on your own observations, opinions, experiences. No one is seeking answers to great societal and cultural questions! Upcoming topics: Oct 28 Soulmates Nov 5 Teachable moments Nov 11 Gratitude Nov 18 Joy Nov 25 Forgiveness Dec 2 Traditions Dec 9 Happiness Dec 16 Role Models Dec 23 Christmas Stories Dec 30 Accomplishments
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Friday Fragments- A Birthday Edition!
It’s a big day today- one that I knew was coming but that still managed to sneak up on me. I’ve been distracted with Zach’s illness, Teagan’s illness, work stress… but no excuses. Today is a day of celebration. Today, my baby boy turns 2 years old.
My water broke at kick off of Monday Night Football on Oct 22, 2007. 16+ hours later, Zachary Robert was born. He was a big baby- 9 lb 6 oz- and ate well (gained 1 pound in his first week), slept well (slept 10 hours a night in the hospital), and was a generally easy baby. He has taught us a lot about joy and love.
My big boy- 2 years old!
Teagan is doing a little better. No more complaints of leg pain. The fever seems to come and go and the cough has gotten phlegmier.
I need your input!! For the last 2 weeks, some blog friends and I have done some “assigned subject” exploratory sharing blogging… It started with 1 idea and grew to a second and… it seems to be well received. I don’t think Thursday is the best day as there are other memes that many bloggers participate in. So maybe Wednesday would be better? Let me know your thoughts… and watch for info coming up!
Yay for the Senate passing the gay hate crimes bill!!!
Today is Oct 23. This would be a great day for you to go and feel your boobies if you haven’t done so recently. October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Early detection is the key.
October is also Domestic Violence Awareness Month. There are some blogs that I follow who are very passionate on the subject and use blogging as a medium to educate and empower. Please take some time to visit Heather at Singing With My Heart and Maggie at Okay. Fine. Dammit. Heather is asking people to Comment for a Cause in October. Maggie has an ongoing project- Violence Unsilenced. Take some time and visit these blogs and sites and read some amazing stories of bravery. Maybe you will find a way to empower someone in your own life who is living a violent secret.
CJ Boyfriend Jeans… I caught a few minutes of Oprah yesterday- anyone know more about Cookie Johnson’s line of jeans? All I can tell is that they seem to be insanely expensive.
I love when good sportsmanship gets punished… grrr… read this about a tennis player who is in trouble for something that was, essentially, a good deed.
A fireball in Indy yesterday… very scary, causing many traffic problems that will be ongoing for some time… Fireballs shooting hundreds of feet in the air. An overpass and surrounding area burnt to a crisp. 2 billboards caught on fire. A cell tower on fire. A major section of I-465 closed. A tanker truck overturned- he was carrying liquid propane. The miracle? No one died. When the tanker flipped, the cab came loose and tore away from the tank that exploded. The truck was carrying multiple tanks and only 1 exploded. And no one died. It was all rather surreal. Click on the pic below to read about it from one of our local TV affiliates.
I hope you have had a good week and that you enjoy the weekend ahead of you. I also hope that my daughter gets healthy and my son can enjoy his birthday celebrations with his entire (healthy) family. Happy Friday!
What Does It Mean To Be A Man?

Wednesday, October 21, 2009
When Mommy Worries

Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Anyone else catch the alien invasion at my house yesterday?

Monday, October 19, 2009
Taking Advantage of a Blackout

And we went with Plan B anyway.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Happy Anniversary, My Love!
Last night, Christy babysat and we went out on a date to celebrate our 6 years of marriage. Dinner (Red Lobster) and a show (I Do! I Do!). We laughed- a lot. We held hands. We relaxed and enjoyed each other's company. It was lovely.
We've had 6 relatively smooth years. We tend to make adjustments here and there. We have our angry moments, our frustrated moments. We talk things through when needed. We laugh. We love. We take each day as it comes.
6 short years down... and here's to decades more...
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Friday, October 16, 2009
Friday Fragments
** I always name my cars. It started with Morris the Taurus. Then Puff the Magic ECHO. My last car was a Hyundai Sonata named Maggie (I think). And now a Chrysler Town and Country named Fergie. I name my cars with a specific method. As soon as the car is officially yours, you turn on your favorite radio station. Whatever song is playing... the name of your car is in that song. Morris... It was a Doors song (Jim Morrison). Puff... thank you, Peter, Paul and Mary. Maggie... I think I got somethin' to say to you. Fergie... Tonight's gonna be a good, good night! ** I wish I could have taken a picture. The exit ramp we take to get home from work is often populated by someone with the cardboard-and-sharpie sign, sharing an abbreviated version of their trials and tribulations and asking money, food, money, work, money... Classic fail yesterday evening. Guy on the corner, bundled up, hood up, cardboard sign in hand, walking up and down the side of the road, hoping for that handout... with a sign that read, "Cripled, hungry. Need money." He walked amazingly well considering his apparent disability.
** Have you seen or heard the annoying ads for Taco Bell's Black Jack Taco? The ads are grating... and that taco scares me! I've certainly seen colored chips- like blue corn being used to make blue chips. But I've never seen black corn. Except when it is burnt to a crisp. So I have to wonder how in the world they made a black taco shell. I assume dye. And I have to wonder what consuming that kind of dye would do to my digestive system. Ick. The whole idea is just... ick!
I think that's random enough for this week! Happy Friday!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
What Does It Mean To Be A Woman?

Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Coming Soon, To A Blog Near You!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009
No Time for Blogging...

Monday, October 12, 2009
Can You Go Home Again?

Saturday, October 10, 2009
Morning Time Is The Best Time
Friday, October 9, 2009
Friday Fragments- The Blech Edition
I don't feel well and may go home from work soon. Trying to hang on...
I don't have a lot of fragments from this week. I've neglected the blog, I think, because I've been very focused on Teagan and this recent transition in our parenting choices. Plus, the local mom community that I "work" for is getting ready to host a big birthday bash for members and has been hosting a big contest this week for moms to win tickets. We (discussion leaders) had to start up topics that counted as contest posts and replies are entries into the contest. So there has been some "babysitting" I've had to do over there. And now today... I woke up feeling like crap and I still feel like crap. So when I feel crappy, I can sometimes find fun and light heartedness on the internet. So for my Fragments, I'm going to share some of my fave fun sites to visit...
Color Me Katie
Cake Wrecks
Awkward Family Photos
Here's a video of an ad in India that Braja posted this week on her blog and I just loved it:
Did you watch The Office wedding last night? I did and absolutely LOVED it. Best wedding EVER. I laughed, I cried, I teared up, I giggled...
I'm off to Ohio this weekend. I'm pretty excited. The whole family is going. The big event? I am heading back to the church that I spent some of my childhood and adolescence in- they are having a confirmand reunion. Several of the kids I grew up with still attend that church and are now in leadership roles there. I am so excited- especially to see my friend Anne. I don't know how we lost touch... but we did... and I have thought of her often over the years. She is now the church secretary and is organizing this event.
We tried to watch last weekend's SNL. It was horribly dull. We've tried to hang on- last season had gotten better. Even in other seasons that most found not funny, we at least managed to find SOMETHING we liked- even if it was just Weekend Update. Well... second show of the season and it was so boring, we didn't even finish watching it. *yawn*
I'm pretty drained from the parenting roller coaster this weekend. Facing the unknown, finding a solution, and now working through this transition. It isn't a crisis or anything- but parenting takes purposeful, cognitive work and I think a lot of people choose not to go there. They want it all to be by instinct. I just can't do that. It's too big and important of a job to just do by the seat of my pants.
I'm having a hard time keeping my eyes open right now. I might throw in the towel sooner rather than later. I hope that I just need some rest and will feel better after a long nap. Getting sick anytime in the next 4 weeks is not going to work. This weekend is the trip to Ohio and the reunion. Weds is Teagan's first school field trip to a pumpkin patch. Next weekend is our wedding anniversary (6 years). And the weekend after that is Zach's 2nd birthday. And the weekend after that is Halloween!! Ack! I hope everyone else is having a better Friday than me!! Go visit all the other Fraggers!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
The New Routine
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
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