Fragents make me Feel Good! Click the buttons to go visit our lovely hostesses!
Would you please go read my husband's blog post about fatherhood? He really opened himself up and talks very openly about his perspective on the miscarriage we went through early in our marrige. I love him so much for being so open and I know he would really appreciate comments since he put himself out there so openly.
Zach got up after bedtime, came out of his room, announced "Potty!" and we took him into the bathroom and got him on the potty in time. I was so proud of him!!
My husband loves me. My husband bought me the Zumba Fitness Total Body Transformation DVD set as a gift for Mother's Day! I think he is appreciating the healthy changes he's starting to notice...
I've been graced with a blog award!
"The Sunshine Award is awarded to bloggers whose positivity and creativity inspire others in the blogging world.”
Much thanks to Kim at In search of Me in MOMMY!
I am supposed to award this to some other bloggers- like 12 or something. Eek! I'm so bad about giving awards because I get overwhelmed with trying to decide which bloggers best suit that award and then I freak that I'm forgetting people and that someone will get their feelings hurt and... *sigh*
But there are a few blogs that I read that I think fit this award.
Away We GoMomza's HouseC. Beth BlogA Peek At Karen's WorldClean ShavingsLife With Kaishon
Glee makes me so happy!
This video cracks me up and it totally worked on me- I went right out and bought the product totally and completely because of this ad!!
My friend Ashli gave me some more clothes!! DRESSES! Today is casual Friday... but next week- I'm showin' some leg! Wahoo! I might even have to buy a cute summer sandal with a heel!
I added a music player over in the sidebar. I set it so that it does not autoplay (I really am not a fan of popping onto a website and having music or sound start up). But if you want some fun music that is very danceable and happy making, hit play! A couple of these songs were used in that Zumba class I loved... ah, sweet memories!
Busy weekend for us! Saturday morning, I'm meeting up with some moms again to kick off or continue their Couch to 5K training!! Then Teagan has soccer. Sadly, no time for the Farmer's Market this week. Tomorrow afternoon, I will be hanging out with another FitCity Mom Blogger at an area park where we will be handing out pedometers and getting people to sign up for the Mini Marathon Pedometer Challenge going on next week (anyone can participate- I bet I can get to 26,000 steps in 2 days... care to join me or maybe start out a bit slower with the 4000 steps pledge?). Then a wedding reception for a couple at church in the evening.
Sunday is Mother's Day. No big plans here- lunch after church with Jeff's mom and sister and our families. Teagan and I went to a Mother Daughter dinner at church with them last weekend. It was great to spend some time with the women of the family! Hopefully, the Mother Daughter dinner will become an annual tradition and my mom can join us next year!
Happy mothers day. Awesome news about the potty. its such a big and proud moment. Now only if my daughter can get the hang of it. she's trying. I hope to have her potty trained by the summer months....
I did read Jeff's post and loved it.
I saw that commericial and it completely cracked me up.
Way to go Zach!
I love the photo from the Mother Daughter dinner, you all look so genuinely happy :-)
Off to read your hubs blog! I love Glee too and that video you posted funny! Happy Mother's day!
I loved that commercial---so hilarious:) Does the girl kinda remind you of Rachel Leigh Cook, or is that just me?
Oooo, potty. Any time I say that outloud, I get real cold stares. I must find Zach's secret.
Happy mothers day. Awesome news about the potty. its such a big and proud moment. Now only if my daughter can get the hang of it. she's trying. I hope to have her potty trained by the summer months....
Awesome that he got up to go potty! I am in the midst of sort of potty-training my 2.5 yr old...
I so love GLEE too! Went out and bought the first season... :)
That commercial makes me laugh, too!
Aw, thanks so much for the award!
I can't tell you how much I love Glee.
That Kotex commercial makes me giggle every time.
And I'm definitely going to check out your husband's blog post.
Happy Mother's Day!
Aww, thanks for the award! :-D
Thyanks for the No AutoPlay! I can't tell you how many mini-heart attacks I have had with the ones that scream at me!
YAY for dresses!!!!
Great FGF!! Sounds like a wonderful week. Have a great weekend!
And thanks for the tampon commercial...I hadn't seen it, but it was hilarious.
Wow, you have a lot of good stuff for FGF!! Sounds like you're going to have a busy weekend. Enjoy your Mother's Day.
Mimi @ Woven by Words from FGF
What a full interesting blog post. I am touched by your husband's sharing too.
Liz - LOVE the "generations" picture. Can you snag me 2 pedometers tomorrow? I didn't make it to the Fit City offices.
Go Zach and go hubby! And go you for your blog award!
Happy Mother's Day.
Jeff's post was terrific.
I also loved the video and plan to link to it soon as one of my favorites this week--too funny!
Don't you just love generous friends who give you clothes?!
Hooray on the potty progress!
Happy Mothers Day!
Haha I LOVE that commercial! It's one of those things that's so funny because it's TRUE!
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