First, I would like to take a moment to share a safety tip.
This is Zach. He is 2 years old (31 months, actually). He likes to be a big boy. He likes to drink from cups and bottles the same way his big sister does, the same way his parents do.
But you have to be careful. Because this adorableness...
Can lead to this...
Don't let the cute face distract you. Seriously- don't look in those big brown eyes! But DO look at that upper lip. He created such a strong suction on his upper lip that he actually gave himself a hickey!!
But the real reason we are there is to play soccer!
Teagan is participating in soccer through the local YMCA. There is a different lesson each week- on team work or a healthy diet or respect. The first 30 minutes are practice and drills. The second 30 minutes are a game- which is crazy hilarious to watch!
All the kids have these ginormous jerseys that they wear.
They work on passing and dribbling and kicking and running and shooting. They focus on not using their hands. They practice the overhand throw from the sidelines. They talk about in bounds and out of bounds.
Some of the kids really pay attention. Some of the kids cry. Some of the kids stand around. Some of the kids do... watever it is that she's doing...
Generally, she does pay attention. She is learning about endurance and team work. We, as parents, are learning a lot about encouragement and where the line is to push and where the line is to let her stop.
Teagan really gets in there and gets aggressive with the ball. She isn't quite to a point that she takes the ball and runs it down the field. But she is a great team player and is often available to assist the player who does have control of the ball. She is focused on the other yellow players. She wants to make a goal but seems to really understand that each goal accomplished is a team effort.
She can take a fall. She can make smart moves. She has a mom and dad and little brother cheerings from the sidelines.
But most of all... the thing she really loves about soccer... and I can tell that this is what she loves best because she's got her signature focus face on (the tongue sticking out)...
... is when she RUNS!
And, of course, the celebrating when she gets to where she's going.
Soccer is held each week at a small local church. This is a fantastic outreach for them and they take advantage of it well. If I didn't have a church home, I would be interested in visiting this church because the people are so friendly. The church provides a nice port-a-potty (it really is nice- the pot itself has this little door for the bottom of the toilet so it isn't just a hole leading down to worst uckiness, the bowl gets cleaned with this blue water scented stuff, and there is even a sink and soap and paper towels!). The church also sells concessions- hot dogs, nachos, chips, fruit snacks, drinks, etc. We typically go to McAlister's Deli for lunch but... Teagan has asked to eat lunch at soccer next time. Hot dogs, bottled flavored water, and being part of this little piece of a community.
Now if only there was an easy way to instantly get the stink off my kid before she gets in the van...
Oh, your son's look he's giving you cracks me up.
We haven't done soccer, mostly because my son is so shy, I was worried he would just get lost in the crowd. We do tennis, which has been great for his self-confidence.
Great pictures..imagine big brown eyes wears most of his drink...but gotta learn some how right. When my daughter was young and played soccer she would run around watching or chasing her shadow ...needless to say her career ended early.
*is ded of cute*
Both my boys tried one season of soccer, both with disastrous results. They hated it. And consequently so did we. Ah well, we tried!
When he was young my brother's focus face was to have his mouth hanging open. Watching him play the cello was hilarious!
I think maybe you should let Officer Buckle know of this latest safety tip!
This is the first season in 6 years we haven't had someone playing soccer. I miss it. Enjoy!
The photos are awesome. How can anyone not comment on your photos? You are a great photographer. The quality of the photos are superb as well.
By the way, I thought about you and the TJ wine. I could have sworn you blogged about the TJ wine and I searched your blog with unsuccessful results. I was ready to link to you. Oh well.
Oh, they are both so adorable I can't hardly STAND it. I keep thinking I need to get Owen into soccer or something, but...that's about as far as it goes.
I love this. I hope to get Owen into soccer next year...we missed the deadline this year.
She's precious with that concentration face.
She is SO cute!
My nephew started soccer this year, too. They are just too much fun at this age.
What an AWESOME soccer program! Love it.
And the lip hickey--ha!!
Oh my goodness he is SO cute. And he looks JUST like his Mama : ) LOVE your pictures of your little soccer star. Look at her go. wowza!
These shots are so awesome. I love how aware she is of her amazing body/machine! :)
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