Saturday, February 28, 2009

The Best Laid Plans...

Can lead to the most monumental failures! It's a simple Saturday here in the House of Lizdom. The only thing that was firmly on the agenda was Teagan's dance class. Jeff and I and the kids all slept through the night, to my recollection. And it was a good sleep, the kind you don't want to wake up from. Unless you are Teagan and the sleep just totally jazzes you up for the day ahead. She's up and ready to roll at 5:30 a.m. We convince her to play in her room and such for a while but we are eventually dragged out of bed around 6ish. We watch a little TV while feeding random bits of breakfast type foods to the kids. I get a shower. Let me take a moment on the subject of my shower. Because today, I had an awesome shower. Throughout the week, showers are a fast way of getting clean. At least 3 times each week, my shower happens at the gym after my lunch time workout so it is a super fast wash down. I rarely get a shower where I can pay attention to detail and complete all of the more minor tasks of self grooming. My quick showers are generally wash hair, wash armpits and sweaty spots and feet, shave pits, wash face. Today, I took that looooong shower. I washed my hair- twice. I conditioned it. I washed every inch of my body with a delightfully girly scented body gel of some sort. I shaved my legs and armpits and even my toes (yes, I have hairy toes. Not freakishly or anything. Just enough to be annoying.) I washed my face. I did a microderm thingee. I just took the time to give myself a good once over. To pay attention to myself. Continued the trend by putting the thick heel balm stuff on my poor winter-broken heels, lotioned up my legs and arms and shoulders, finished the microderm steps, and moisturized and deodorized. I was rarin' to go. I scrubbed out the freezer and fridge. There has been a mystery odor for a couple of weeks now and the levels of intervention keep growing. Throw away old food from fridge- check. A few days later... throw away freezer burned or unidentifiable items from freezer- check. You know the drill. Even tossed out an entire bucket of ice from the ice maker and scrubbed it all out and the smell still stuck around. So today, I took out everything, scrubbed everything, even got into all the nooks and crannies and did some vacuuming under the beast (that was a real adventure). Then it was time for dance class. I'll skip over the parts where Teagan had a few meltdowns because she didn't immediately get her way. She did awesomely fantastic in dance class, as usual. It was the monthly "invite in your parents to watch" day. She was ON. It was a hoot! Come home to pick up Daddy and Zach. Daddy got his shower (it wasn't nearly as awesome as mine). Then it was a trip to the bank, out for lunch, and then we head to the grocery store. I'd been planning this trip since I got our grocery ads mid-week. Both of the 2 main grocery stores near our house seemed to be having some awesome sales. So I made a side by side list to determine who would be a better fit for our buying this week. We bought a HUGE amount of food (including some items for the food pantry). Saved $85, according to the receipt. But the adventure came when we tried to do the shopping together. It was a disaster. It started out ok- the kids wanted the goofy car in the front, cart in the back thing. Fine. We found a couple of samples. Fine. By about the second aisle, Zach had hit the limit. He was done. He wanted out of the car, he wanted out of the cart, he wanted to be held, he wanted to walk. Eventually, he just cried. And while he's falling apart, Teagan was a perfect angel. Yeah, right. She wasn't listening, was dancing around the aisles and singing little ditties. Which is fine on most any day- just not midday Saturday at the grocery store. It was packed. And she needed to be in uber-listening mode. Jeff ended up taking Zach out to the car. Apparently, the boy crashed as soon as he hit the car seat. Jeff didn't even have to drive him around. He just zonked out. Poor guy. What is it about a simple errand that can just drain every ounce of energy from your soul? So now we are home. Zach is asleep. Jeff is asleep. Teagan is playing quietly in her room. And I am here, blogging away, feet up, slumped on the couch. So... just a simple Saturday in the House of Lizdom. We'll just wait and see what the rest of the day holds!


Candy said...

Inquiring minds want to know - did you find the source of the smell???

Lynette3boys said...

I love that you admit that you shave your toes. Brave lady!

Eternal Lizdom said...

I found nothing that was particularly gross but the smell has definitely dissipated. So who knows...

And I am nothing if not honest!!

Alison said...

So, um, she'd probably be mad if she knew I told you this, but Miss Chef shaves her toes, too!

Wow, my grocery shopping is so much more...boring than yours. Maybe I could take the dog and see how exciting that gets!

Eternal Lizdom said...

Flartus- Yet another sign that I could share shoes with Miss Chef! No worries about toe hair!!

designHER Momma said...

sounds very much like my satuday - minus the awesome shower...

Pumpkin Delight (Kimberly) said...

Oh my goodness, I am exhausted just reading that.

Jason, as himself said...

Your shower intrigues me!

Your shopping trip tires me.

Joanie said...

I remember those shopping trips. and I don't miss them one teeny bit. Now when my youngest (she's 18) goes with me, it costs me about $30 more than if I leave her at home.
pssst I shave my toes too (but not since winter started. only the pits get done until the warm weather returns or I have to wear a dress... whichever comes first)

Anonymous said...

i totally shave my toes too. they are so annyong aren't they?

it sounds like you had a good weekend, even with the grocery store fiascos. Hey, I can relate to the little guy-- I HATE grocery shopping! ;)

Eternal Lizdom said...

Toe Shavers Unite!!! :)

Joanie, I'm not much of a wintertime shaver- aside from the pits. That was part of what made that shower so special!