Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Top Ten Non-Medication Cold and Sinus Remedies

I've got a cold coming on. So I'm going to play Top Ten Tuesday with my top ten favorite ways to fight a cold or sinus infection! 1. Neti Pot. Looooove my neti pot. It took me some serious time to get over the heebie jeebie of it... I can't do nose sprays without gagging and crying. So I couldn't imagine pour water through my nostrils. But not only do I find that my neti pot really does help clear out my sinuses, I also find the warm water rather soothing. 2. Exercise. This is the hardest one to achieve. Right now, I feel crappy. I do NOT want to get up and march or crunch or push or whatever. But I know it will help in the long run! Still no guarantee I'll do it, though. 3. Hot Tea. Soothing, hot, steamy, comforting. 4. Wine. At the end of a day of fighting a cold and being in a more agitated state because of it, a glass of wine helps to soothe the ickies. 5. Massage. Nothing helps my sinuses and stress like a good neck, shoulder, and back massage. If I knew more about reflexology, I believe a good foot massage with pressure in the right points would also help. 6. Shower Steamers. Those vapo-tab-thingees that you put in the bottom of the shower and they release that soothing menthol mixed with the steam from the hot shower... aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh! 7. TV. An evening of catching up on the DVR. Relaxing, laughing, not having to think. 8. Snacks. Ice cream, Doritos, comfort food. 9. Sleep. Going to bed early, maybe even getting a nap on a weekend. 10. Not getting sick in the first place. If there was a way to just not get sick in the first place, I'd be a happy Momma!!


Anonymous said...

I'm giving this whole list to my hubby. I want to get him a neti pot and some of those menthol-shower thingies.

A surprisingly fun list for something about sickness! ;)

Cathy said...

Definitely #10 is the best!!!

Anonymous said...

Before I was a SAHM, I was a full-time pharmacist. I had such an iron-clad immune system! Those days are gone, however, so I agree (wholeheartedly) with #10, #8, #9, and #1 - in that order!

Lisa said...

Feel better soon!

I left something for you on my blog :)

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the shower steamers. i am still skeeved out by the neti pot, but i do use it now since i get chronic sinus infections..

i hope you feel better soon, darlin!

Cajoh said...

I think a lot of what you have listed I have listed as well: http://cajoh.blogspot.com/2008/11/home-remedies.html

Sure hope you feel better soon,

Alice said...

Great list Liz. I don't have a neti-pot but I do have this bigo ole' syringe that my doctor gave me. Its about as tall as your hand and as thick as your thumb. Fill it up with home made saline and flush your sinus' away. I swear it works too. Although it doesn't work for stomach flu which I currently have. Someone should invent a cure for that one. I would be all over it.

Amy said...

I've never heard of #6. Sounds like something I'd like.

Lynette3boys said...

I've never heard of #6, but I will have to check them out. And I love #2 and how you phrased it "march or crunch or push of whatever." Hilarious! I always make myself work out harder when I get a cold and I swear by it. The duration of the cold is so much shorter. Great list and thanks for sharing.