Saturday, April 10, 2010

The Perfect Morning

There are many variations of a perfect morning for me. So far, today is proving to be a good one. We slept in until 7. And then the whole family hung out in our bed for a bit- playing, laughing, tickling. I love waking up to laughter. My kids were happy with the breakfast items I'd picked for them at Trader Joe's. Cereal bars, yogurt, string cheese, fruit bits. Not a breakfast of champions but a complaint free breakfast is 4 star for me! Teagan opted to play with her My Little Ponies for a while. Zach pulled out some puzzles. And they sat on opposite ends of the living room and played quietly for half an hour. Even now, it's 8:30 and they are interacting from time to time but primarily are playing quietly in their own little worlds. It's peaceful in my living room. Zach, being 2, is enjoying his puzzle basket. I used to spend time sorting out the puzzles into bags and keeping them separate. But what he loves is to have a big old pile of a bazillion puzzle pieces. He likes figuring out what that piece is a part of. He likes lining them up. He likes sorting them. He likes dumping them. And I'm fine with that. Teagan, being 5, is quietly engage in imaginary play but she still plays out loud so I get to peek into her world. She has names and voices for her ponies and makes up stories. They go to school or one pony is the mom. She plays out real life situations with her little friends and I get to sit back and observe. Don't judge the mess- it's what's keeping them quiet and content right now... My husband is on the other end of the couch, doing online research on how to make soap. The sun is coming up and pouring into my front windows. My trees outside are blooming. How about you? What makes a great morning for you?


Teacher Tom said...

Sounds great, Liz!

A perfect morning for me is any morning after which there is nothing planned so it can stretch out for hours. I haven't had one of those for awhile. Oh yeah, and its important that the dogs not be gassy . . . =)

Nancy said...

We have the same mess going on in our living room Liz. Delainey was coloring a box that I brought home and helping me fix breakfast. Now we are getting ready for a day of hiking! I hope that you have a great day!

Katherine said...

This sounds like a wonderful morning. I get too few mornings where someone doesn't have to be somewhere early- school, work, volunteer. So any morning where we are all home together is a good morning.

Lisanne said...

Hi! :) Found you through UBP. I love how you can click "Like" for a blog entry ~ how does that work? Gorgeous photos ... really thoughtful entry. Hope you have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

Looks like my living room!

Sounds like a wonderful morning! I love it when there is no fighting or arguing!

C. Beth said...

Lovely. Great mornings can be all different sorts for me. Yours sounds fantastic. :)

Amy said...

A perfect morning for me is having no where to go! If Jeff has questions about soap making, tell him to ask Insomnimom (link on my blog). She used to make and sell really yummy and delicious soap.

As Cape Cod Turns said...

I love your perfect morning!

Mine would be similar with no plans and everyone happily doing their thing and me catching up on blogs. Hey, wait that is what is happening right now! Now if someone could just deliver some breakfast to our front door, it would be perfect!

Mrs4444 said...

I LOVE the blooming trees pic!! Snuggling in bed, as a family, on a weekend morning is the BEST.

A great morning to me is sleeping in. Unfortunately, I'm overdue...