I'm adding this to Shell's weekly carnival- Pour Your Heart Out.
I'm adding this to Shell's weekly carnival- Pour Your Heart Out.
And I explained the picture... 2 years ago, Christy and I joined our gym. We jumped in with lots of energy and motivation. Our trainers (the gym is owned by a trainer- Brad- and a personal trainer- Bridget- is employed there) started a lunch hour boot camp and we started to see body changes. I was very excited to see things firming up. I wasn't changing my eating, just adding in 3-4 days a week at the gym, 2 of which were this intense session of calisthenics. I bought some jeans from Old Navy online. A size 16 "flirty" style and a size 14 "curvy" boot cut style. I figured I should be able to wear the 16 right away and then shrink into the 14. I couldn't get them on- either pair. It was very frustrating. I folded them up and tucked them away. Yesterday- I pulled them out again. And tried them both on. And the size 14 jeans actually fit better than the size 16! I wore them for the afternoon and really liked them!
There is a friend I've made recently- through Fit City, in fact- that was another drip in my pool of inspiration to start the Couch to 5K running program. Her name is Emily and we keep finding things we have in common and we both want to meet up someday. Emily left this comment on the photo:
Oh, and post topic request (or point me in the right direction since I'm a newer reader!)- you have referenced your new eating habits- food for fuel, but I'm curious how you got your head around how to shift what you're buying/cooking/planning for your food. Where did you start- how has it evolved- where do you look for food inspiration? I'm looking to clean up my food habits- and *I* am looking for that inspiration- I knew you were the place for me to start!
Motivation is hard to pinpoint, I think. Because if it was easy, none of us would struggle to be motivated to eat better and exercise more, right?
The thing that motivated me to get back to the gym- after months of slacking off- was the episode of Desperate Housewives with the fantasy sequences of what life would have been like "if." It was the Fat Susan episode. It was a lightbulb moment for me. It happened to coincide with a time that my blog friend Amy was starting the BetterU Challenge (you can find the links to her blog in my Fat Susan post). Those 2 things combined lit a small fire.
In February, I started my new gig as a mom blogger for Fit City. This was another boost. I had this new focus and awareness of opportunities for healthy living, moving more, eating better. I attended a Fit City Twitter chat with a trainer from the YMCA who was talking about keeping motivation through the winter months. The thing that stuck with me that time was the idea of breaking down daily activity into 15 minute increments. Finding 15 minutes 4 times a day to get up a move- I can get on my Wii, I can do calisthenics in front of the TV, I can march in place at my desk during a conference call. A couple of weeks later, there was a chat about nutrition. Yet again, something stuck with me- not something I never knew before, but something that hadn't stuck in the right place. You get out what you put in. If you consume junk, your body's performance will be junk. If you put in healthy foods, your body will perform better.
Around this same time, I had been having conversations with Bridget (trainer at the gym) about what to eat and when before a workout. My energy was sliding, my stamina would fade by the end of the 30 minutes of our boot camp sessions. I'd burn out and my body would start to fail. There were days that my body wasn't working right because I wasn't feeding it properly before the workout. Bridget made some recommendations and one worked- a mini whole wheat bagel with a little peanut butter.
Because that tip worked, I suddenly began to take notice of how my body felt and performed based on what I would eat. At the end of February, I blogged about making a change in what I chose to eat for lunch. And soon, I wrote about this new desire to be a Healthier Me.
Pretty soon, my focus was really sharply focused on what I consume. I would have something in front of me that would normally tempt me... but I wouldn't want it because that would mess up my planned intake of fruits, veggies, healthy dairy, lean protein. I didn't want to fill up on Cheetos, I wanted to fuel up on strawberries with plain yogurt. Something about the way food was impacting my body had clicked in the course of events leading up to March 1.
In the past month, I've become completely aware of what I eat and why I eat it. I'm not eating clean 100% of the time. This past weekend, I totally made some stress eating choices in the midst of my "single parenting" weekend. But I made them knowingly and was fully prepared to make up for it in the gym today.
Emily, I don't know if I answered your question really well. I guess the things that motivated me... my goal to become a runner, paying attention to what is in food (reading labels), focusing on fuel and not feed, and a building up of a desire to become healthier and stronger... those are the things that eventually became my motivation.
And fitting into those size 14 jeans is certainly giving me a push in the right direction!
I missed last week... but I'm catching up this week!! It's Friday Fragments time!! And let's go ahead and Feel Good while we're at it!!
Hiding their balls. For realz, yo.
Feel Good Fragment:
I got an award!! I love blog awards... my friend Mary at Clean Shavings has honored me with the Kreativ Blogger award. Thank you!! Go visit her- she's is sometimes fun, sometimes passionate, very open and honest about her life, sometimes serious, sometimes frivolous.
I apparently need to tell you 7 things about myself and then pass this on to 7 other bloggers.
1. I was born in California.
2. I've discovered Poland Spring sparkling water with fruity flavor essence. My favorite is Raspberry Lime- especially if I add a wedge of real lime!
3. I often have bonus posts and pics and such on my Facebook fan page. At first, I wasn't sure I would use my fan page, but I like having a place where I can write Notes about eating, exercise, frustrations and get pretty immediate feedback. So if you aren't a fan yet, I'd love it if you'd join us!
4. Jeff has me watching Battlestar Galactica now. I'm hooked- thanks to those who recommended it (I think it was C. Beth and Mimbles)!
5. I've been asked to do something for my church that I've never done before. I haven't made my final decision to do it- but am really leaning towards it. Actually, by the time this posts, the decision will be made!
6. One of my favorite books growing up was The Album of Horses. I had a hard cover copy of it and lost track of it years ago. I named every horse in it and made up stories about them. I used to pretend that our apartment stairwell was a stable. I miss that book.
7. They have turned the air up FULL BLAST at work. It's now loud in my office and cold- even with my space heater going full blast- which adds to the loudness. I've put in a request to have my vent closed. I'm not usually one to be cold- but I'm icy!
And 7 blogs to pass this along to would be...
I believe that heaven has no definition of pain, of suffering, of hurt, of angst, of depression.
I believe that the purpose of heaven is to focus the powerful, positive energy that grows with the adding of each soul. To focus it back to the life forms that God has created. I believe that as that energy grows, it eventually will spill over and that is when heaven and earth will become one. I believe that the positive energy forces in heaven help to deliver God's enduring love to humanity in the form of compassion, peace, joy, and so on. I think that the force of the energy of these pure souls guides even those who don't believe in God and can open hearts to His love.
This is different from angels. I firmly believe that angels are very real. I believe that angels have a very specific purpose- part of God's workforce, if you will.
Those are my starting thoughts. Here's what I'm going to do today... I'm going to continue to edit this post. If anyone has questions, leave a comment. I don't have all the answers. I don't have all the questions. When it comes to solidly defining questions related to my faith, I pray before I start writing and then I just let it go. I almost feel like I'm channeling that energy, to a degree. I don't think it through or censor myself or go back and edit. I just pray and write.
I hope I did it justice, Lynn...
Flartus, I've thought a lot about heaven vs hell. And I do believe in hell. But I've not found a desire to focus on who does or doesn't go to hell. I believe that God is compassionate and forgiving. I believe that those who truly repent, even at the last opportunity, are absolved of their sin. I believe that I'm going to heaven. And I believe that if I try to figure out who is going to hell or what kind of people will end up in hell, that I'm essentially judging others and I really strive to not be that kind of person. The devil doesn't really hit my radar much. I don't live my life in fear or distrust or concern about his trickery. I know my faith is strong and I live it and grow in it every day.
I also find it interesting when I hear other people having similar beliefs about what heaven will be like. I didn't grow up being taught this idea. I grew up thinking that heaven was an awesome place that was like earth, basically. Mansions and streets lined with gold and all that.
And I also believe that lots of people have lots of different ideas about what heaven is and what they need it to be. And that's ok, too.
I was in the car, listening to The Diane Rehm show on NPR. The guest was Lisa Miller- talking about heaven and the history of the beliefs about heaven and what about hell and all that jazz.
Check it out here- you can even opt to listen to broadcast.
I'm adding this to Shell's weekly carnival- Pour Your Heart Out.
I am now convinced that children get to enjoy the fun and frivolity of birthdays and that parents are attempting to remember the agony of the labor they endured those many years ago… because I am tired and sore and exhausted and in pain… just like I felt 5 years ago!
But my girl really did have a wonderful day.
We had lunch at Chick-Fil-A in the mall and then headed over to Build-A-Bear. I have to thank the friends who recommended BAB for our party. It was fantastic! Our hostess was Latoya and she was so good with the kids! There was another party starting up when I was leaving and I observed that we definitely got the better hostess. She was smiling and energetic and in control and really connected with the kids and the parents.
Once all of our friends had gathered, she lined them up and talked to them about choosing their stuffed animal friend. Each child picked out what they wanted to make- puppies and bears and pinks and browns and blues. The kids were then asked to pick out 2 little stuffed hearts and each parent took a heart- they went through a little routine to help the heart help the animal in various ways and then 1 heart from each child and all the parents went into Teagan’s bear. The other heart went into the child’s own stuffed friend.
They then marched through the store to the stuffing machine and took turns getting their friend stuffed- soft and fluffy, medium, or firm. Latoya had them play a little hot potato type game while she would stuff the animals.
Off for an air bath and brushing.
Then up front to pick out ribbons and bows and then gather for a group photo. Finally, Latoya had the kids line up on the BAB circle at the front of the store and handed out plastic cards. On one side was a picture of a lit candle, on the other was a picture of a blown out candle. We all sang Happy Birthday to Teagan and then she went around to each card and blew it out. It was great!
Latoya boxed up the animal friends- everyone left with an animal friend in a house box and some special candy treats.
I had already paid a $75 deposit. The remainder of my bill was less than $50! Not a bad deal for 10 kids at a birthday party!
The food was amazing. The table next to us (mom, dad, 2 teenage boys) was ordering insane amounts of sushi and lots of the specialty rolls- including one called The Flaming Dragon. Yep- sushi on fire!
Wild Ginger also had a gorgeous paper crane chandelier / sculpture in the middle of the restaurant. I love this shot I got of it- from underneath, looking up into it.
After we ate- appetizers, sushi, and even shared a dessert- we went to visit what used to be our gathering spot. An Irish pub called Fionn MacCool's. Awesome patio, live music on weekends. Great food and beverage. They closed very unexpectedly and suddenly. We hadn't been by to pay our respects so thought it was appropriate to stop by. All the furniture is still there- inside and out. The tables are still set with ketchup and salt and pepper and menu stands. It's just so sad... see how sad it is?
Walking back, Christy and Anne smelled gas. I smelled something chemically. Anne and Christy became very concerned. They had an employee from Chateau Thomas Winery come out and he smelled it, too. Very distinct, very much located in front of one store.
Christy called 911.
They sent 3 firetrucks and the Fire Chief.
It just isn't a night out if it doesn't end with sirens and lights!
5. Love. Last but not least, love drives me. It ties in with my faith. I believe that God is love. I believe that my purpose is to love the way that God loves me. I believe that when I act from a base of love, life is just better. I love myself, my family, my friends, my life. 1 Corinthians 13 1 If I speak in the languages of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. 2 If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. 3 If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames, but have not love, I gain nothing.
4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. 8 Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. 9 For we know in part and we prophesy in part, 10 but when perfection comes, the imperfect disappears. 11 When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me. 12 Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known. 13 And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.