I could have enjoyed another day on our getaway. Another night in the hotel. Another afternoon in the pool.
I didn't take as many pictures as I thought I would. I took enough. But I also put my camera down and just enjoyed myself, my kids, my husband.
I could tell you all the places we went and foods we ate and laughs we shared.
But as the trip got started, I realized that I wanted my focus to be only on my family, my relaxation, the true idea of a getaway.
The first thing I did was disconnect from my job. The recent increased work load and hours and stress. The endless e-mails and voice mails and meetings and phone calls.
I soon realized that I was still in a mindset that wasn't letting me be fully present. I was still thinking about the things we were doing that I was going to share. If we had great service somewhere, I thought about tweeting or psoting on Facebook. If something was a disppointment, I thought about how I was going to post...
And then I stopped. I had to disconnect from thinking like a blogger. It was strange, for sure. I'm always thinking about how I can share something, I'm always forming words in my head that I will type out later.
I love it. I really like sharing things and writing things. I enjoy the perspective that blogging has brought.
Disconnecting from it was difficult. It was necessary. It was refreshing.
Blogging had started to become more of a chore. Something on my list that I had to get done.
I needed our getaway to disconnect from work. That was the driving force.
Turns out, it wasn't a getaway that I needed.
It was a Get-Back-To.
I needed to get back to enjoying my kids. I needed to get back to connecting with my husband. I needed to get back to enjoying writing.
I'm back. I'm back to feeling like myself again. And that's a great feeling!
Good for you!!! It's hard not to think about Tweeting/FBing/blogging everything. I'm glad you really got away.
Holy crap, I know EXACTLY what you're saying. It's like a blogger way of thinking. Every photo I take gets in instant caption, everything I see or do I feel compelled to "review" it. Strange.
But I do like blogging.
I'm over here: jimandgarret.blogspot.com
Good for you! I've been thinking about needing not to be overtaken by Blog Thoughts as I tour London & Paris. But it's a balance for me...I like to have an audience for my picture, especially, so it gives me added reason to take them. It's more the "have to find time to upload these to my blog" pressure that I want to avoid.
At any rate, I'm glad you got to disconnect & re-connect. That's what vacations should be!
Glad to know that you can "get-back-to" those things you love to do. Sometimes you need a bit of a refresh to get you to enjoy the everyday things you thought were a chore.
Sounds like you had a fabulous time! I agree sometimes you have to disconnect and unwind!
Welcome back! Glad you had a quality time :)
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