Friday, December 31, 2010
2010 in Links
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Christmas At The Zoo
We walked around a little and decided to stop for dinner- burgers, fries, pizza, and souvenir mugs of hot chocolate for the grown ups. Headed up to Santa's Village and did some crafts and took some pictures. Teagan, wanting to be a "cool girl" for Em, was very cooperative and fun all evening- a very pleasant change of pace these days.
Zach was cooperative sometimes- we got at least one good picture.
Teagan posed in front of the tree- looking especially adorable in her new, shorter hairdo!
Tried to get Zach to join in... but he wasn't feeling it.
Went and visited the desserts exhibit but the animlas were sleeping. We did check out the snakes- and Ted looked like a total creeper in this pic I tried to snap.
We paused by a lit up penguin at the end of our quick trip... Em has a thing for penguins.
We all gasped when Ted got down on one knee...
...because he thought he was too tall and might block the penguin. But it was hilarious when Jeff squealed "He went to Jared!!!" at them!
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
A Week At Home
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Monday, December 27, 2010
For my far away friends and relatives
Christmas was great. We had a lovely evening with Jeff’s family- his parents, his sister and her kids, his step-sister and her kids- on Thursday evening. Thursday night, I went out, met up with Christy and did the majority of my Christmas shopping in 2 hours. Friday, ran a few errands with the kids. Friday night was family friendly church service, home for bedtime and Santa set up, back to church (just me) for the 11:00 Lessons and Carols service. Saturday we drove to Cincinnati and enjoyed a lovely Christmas meal and presents and the company of my family- my parents, my brothers, my aunt and uncle from Kentucky, my grandparents.
My Aunt Kathy sent me messages during the day and I sent her pictures. I didn’t get to see her when she was here a few weeks ago and I really missed seeing her. So these pictures are primarily for her. And for my mom since she spends so much of her time in the kitchen- she might miss a lot of the moments. And for Em, my brother’s lovely girlfriend who was spoken of often and very fondly and everyone wished she could have been there. And for Brian- Jeff’s best friend- who was supposed to come with us but was home sick with a fever instead.
Christmas Morning
The loot:
The faces
The hula hoop
The guitar
A favorite gift- the flashlight
Christmas Day in Ohio
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Traders Point Creamery: The Loft

Wednesday, December 22, 2010
What The Kids Want...
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Season of Giving: Church
Love Overflows
Monday, December 20, 2010
How To Eat A Gingerbread House

Sunday, December 19, 2010
Christmas On The Farm