i am piano. play me.
In 4 different places around town, there are painted pianos that remain outdoors and are available for anyone to play at any time.
I came upon one of the pianos on a recent bike ride. I'm eager to go visit the others and maybe to even dig out some old sheet music and try to actually play again.
What a great idea!! Impromptu concerts on the street corner! I bet it will inspire an increase in piano lessons!
Oh this is cool! I saw this a while back on another blog I think someone from Texas. Very cool!
Oh goodness!
Knowing what I know about pianos, moisture warps and ruins the soundboard on the back - - - so with them being outside in the rain and all, what do they do about THAT?
Keetha, I thought and felt the same thing! I played the piano for about 14 years and fell away from it in college. But with this project, I'm trying to keep in mind that it's an art project and not just a music project.
How awesome is that! Who ever came up with the idea is genius. I hope it catches on across the country. Thanks for the photos.
Happy weekend, jj
I'm torn between So COOL! and OMG piano + WEATHER NOOOOOO! LOL
I see one of the 4 pianos was rescued from demolition to be part of the project, I wonder what sort of condition the other 3 were in. It kind of makes sense if they were all already at the end of their useful indoor life :-)
Cool concept. Thank for sharing!
There is a piano like this downtown where I live. It has a large sign that it is open for the public to play. It was there all last summer and is there now. There are always people playing it, and it makes me happy. (Although I'm not sure if the one downtown is painted or not. I'll have to take a closer look next time.)
We saw pianos like this all over Austin when we visited. They were all decorated/graffiti'd out in the wild and had a tarp attached to the back to pull over the keys in case of rain. I love the idea of taking a piano that's in poor condition and giving it one last life.
What a great idea! I'd love to see the others.
Not all pianos are in fabulous condition or prized pieces - so I'm totally fine with seeing the pianos used as art pieces. Not to mention exposing people to a piano that it's OK to touch, bang on, have the kids play. It's a wonderful project!! Thank you!
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