Sunday, January 31, 2010
My Magic Blog?

Saturday, January 30, 2010
Ah, Sleep... My Faraway Companion...

Friday, January 29, 2010
Friday Fragments: 1.29.10

Thursday, January 28, 2010
Venting Compassion

Wednesday, January 27, 2010
I'm Fat Because My Brain Is Overworked

Tuesday, January 26, 2010
When God Speaks... aka A Solution to Lying

Monday, January 25, 2010
Traveling Teddy
We had a special visitor this weekend. Traveling Teddy is a little stuffed bear that goes home with a different Yellow Room student each weekend. The parents and student take Teddy everywhere they go for the weekend and then journal about the events. Photos are encouraged.
In other words- blog it!
Here’s our entry- simulated here for your viewing pleasure:
1/23 – 1/24
We were so excited for Teddy’s visit! Teagan found a special place for Teddy to sleep- her dollhouse!
First, we gave Teddy a bath. We followed the instructions on the tag on his leg. It was fun to give Teddy a bath!
We played at home- doing puzzles and then we both put on headbands. It’s Pumpkinhead Teddy!
Daddy and Teagan took Teddy to Conner Prairie to play! He enjoyed the dollhouse, gardening, and he even milked a cow!
Teagan brought Teddy to her cousin Corbin’s basketball game. Our team won! Yay!
On Sunday, Teddy sang at church with Teagan’s Mommy. We also took Teddy to the grocery store and he loved seeing so much honey by the peanut butter!
We also watched the COLTS GAME! Can you tell who my new friends are?
Teagan Elmo Teddy Touchdown Monkey
2 pictures somehow got missed when I placed the print order- one of Teddy singing at church…
And Teddy at the grocery store…
That last picture should have tipped us off.
There are the… other pictures…
See, Friday night, we kept hearing strange noises. I woke up and swore I’d heard the fridge door open and close but… nothing. Jeff thought he heard something rustling around on the couch.
So we set up a motion detector camera and were shocked at what we found out about Traveling Teddy! I think he’s earned his name because he really gets around!! Fair warning- these images are NOT safe for children! Oh, the shame!
Teddy! A fight club? Really? Oh… Teddy…
And I am far too embarrassed to tell you about what I found on my laptop’s history… oh… Teddy…
And that fridge noise? He drank my wine! I don’t know what the legal age is for stuffed bears but I have to imagine this is NOT legal! Oh… Teddy…
And then… most horrifying… his wild night culminated into a brazen evening with a sweet honey… oh…. Teddy… For SHAME!
Fair warning to other parents who welcome Traveling Teddy into their home. Lock up your honey bears!! They aren’t safe with this party animal around!
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Peeking Over From Karen's World?
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Friday, January 22, 2010
Friday Fragments: Jan 22

Thursday, January 21, 2010
Where Is God?
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
URGENT: Indy Families Who Are Eligible To Adopt
My Lying Genious

Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Monday, January 18, 2010
In Recognition of MLK, Jr.

And just in case you've never listened to the entire speech, never read each word... take a few minutes to listen to I Have A Dream. And then stop and think about how the dream still applies today... how there is still inequality, disparity, pain and suffering... and think about what you can individually do to make the world a better place... even if just for one person... to be the positive changes you want to see in the world... to be a small ripple that just might build to a giant wave.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
The Loop

Saturday, January 16, 2010
Friday, January 15, 2010
Friday Fragments: TGIF Edition

Thursday, January 14, 2010
On Death and Dying
The only time we've had to really touch on the subject was when our dog, Ginger, died. It was unexpected. It was the middle of the night. We went to sleep and she was fine and when the kids woke up... she was gone. Her stomach flipped and I rushed her to the emergency vet and the most humane option we had was to put her to sleep.
Teagan quickly understood what we explained- Ginger's body stopped working. We wouldn't see her anymore.
Teagan understood it more than we realized. As the months went by, she would bring Ginger up from time to time. 2 years later, she still comments on Ginger when she sees a dog similar in appearance. About a year after Ginger's passing, Teagan burst into tears in the car and, when asked why she was sad, she said she missed Ginger.
For about 2 months or so now, Teagan has been asking about Mommy dying. "When are you going to die?" "I don't want you to die." "When you die, I will miss you forever."
I have no clue where it is coming from.
I kept my involvement with the Graddy family very separated from home and conversation over the summer. I talked about it one time- she and I dropped off a meal at their home and when Teagan asked why we were doing that, I told her that their Mommy had died and lots of other mommies were doing things to help them now. She asked no questions. Had no emotional response.
But for these last few months... tender moments... when she feels loved and cared for in a special way by me... that tenderness opens up that painful, dark place and she becomes worried, scared, concerned.
Wednesday night, it was the worst response yet.
She and I are laying on her bed, the only light coming from her nightlight. We are talking and enjoying each other's company. Tell me about your day, about dancing, about school, about work, about lunch. Then she turned to me, threw an arm around my neck and started in on the death talk.
I gave the same responses we always give. And I'm feeling like I'm not finding the right answers. I can't promise that we will never die. I can't make myself lie to her that deeply. My words tend to be, "Mommy isn't dying. I'm here and with you and happy. Let's be happy that we are together and enjoying each other right now! We don't need to be sad when Mommy isn't dying!" Or sometimes I try a more validating approach, "I would be very sad, too. But you would still have so many people who love you and who take care of you."
We talk a little about God and heaven- but I don't want there to be too much confusion on that subject. I don't want her to think that there is a physical place where dead people go and continue to live without their loved ones. We touch on the subject but I'm not ready to get that deeply metaphysical with her just yet.
But last night... she was expressing deep concern about what would happen to her and Zach if Mommy and Daddy died.
So I explained it. Aunt Christy would take care of her and Zach. Plus, there would still be so many other grown ups that love them and would care for them- Grandma, Grandpa, Mimi, Pop-pop, Pastor Jennifer, Miss Lori and her teachers, Miss Lisa and so on.
She went deeper still. "I don't want to not live in my house." "Aunt Christy doesn't know about my school and where to take Zach!"
So I explained the plan. Aunt Christy would move in to our house. Aunt Christy is often present for taking to school and for picking up from school. Aunt Christy is often there to pick up Zach from daycare and knows where Lisa lives and Lisa knows Aunt Christy. Aunt Christy would take Teagan and Zach to church every Sunday. Aunt Christy would have Grandma and Grandpa and Mimi and Pop-pop and everyone else coming to visit and continue to love her and Zach.
She wasn't convinced or calmed.
I offered to call Christy. No answer. So I called Grandma. As I explained to Teagan, Grandma is well informed on our intentions. And Grandma at least got the crying stopped with what she said to Teagan.
Jeff laid with her while she fell asleep.
But I'm feeling lost and confused and I don't know what to say or what to do. She does have the type of personality that I can easily see her carrying this below the surface, a stress point. I've felt that way so many times- love is so very close to fear and intense love brings fear into realms of reality that I was previously ignorant of...
Death is a part of living. I don't fear death. Yes, I get sad when people die- but it is sadness for those left behind, for the void that can't be filled. But my faith is very strong when it comes to death. I very much know that God is there, God mourns with us, and God carries us home. Even a horrible death ends in peace.
But how do you relay any of that to an almost 5-year-old without scaring and scarring her?
And what on earth do I do when she figures out that Aunt Christy's mortality is just as at risk as ours?
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Handling Stress

Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Wii Fit Plus
Monday, January 11, 2010
Lessons Learned