What is about kids sleeping that is so adorable? For me, I think it's that they are staying still so I can really look at them. This is the same boy who was cracking jokes and being such a clown all evening that he couldn't hold still for 2 seconds. Favorite moment- driving to dinner after picking up the kids and I'm telling Teagan that is she doesn't have a good day all day long on Thursday, that Christy and Mommy and Zach will go to the State Fair on Friday and she will go to school. Zach pipes up with "OK!!" Same boy who had a lot of pent up energy to release while at dinner and at one point insisted on climbing onto my lap and proceeded to shaking his head, tongue hanging out, and waggle his hand in front of me while I attempted, foolishly, to talk to Christy. I tried telling him he wasn't cute... which just egged him into overdrive and forced me to try and hide my laughter. So when I go to bed and stop to check on him and kiss his little still-a-bit-of-a-baby cheek... I just enjoy the stillness and quiet and him just... being.
Yesterday, it was hot. Really hot. And humid. Sticky, nasty icky humid. When we left work, the thermostat in my car said 98. Hot! But I knew once we got going, the temp would show a couple of degrees cooler. Imagine my surprise when we were more than halfway home and I looked up and saw this!!!

blogged about my hair loss. It continues. The picture below shows approximately how much hair I lose each day. This is post workout shower- so it doesn't show the hair I lost that morning when I brushed my hair or the random hairs I pluck off my clothes or the hair I lost in the shower.
Last night, for our
fifteen minutes of together time, Teagan asked if we could play in her dollhouse. I didn't know she meant literally!

Even Sassy got in on the act. I think she just liked feeling BIG.

Now, after all that, how will I ever come up with Feel Good Friday Fragments for tomorrow??
If you love sleeping baby pictures, you've got to visit http://milasdaydreams.blogspot.com!
I don't have any sleeping kids pics to share, but I do have an animals in doll-houses one :-)
That sweet, sweet boy. I just can't stand it, he's so cute.
I LOVE sleeping kids. His undies cracked me up. I wish I could wear undies with fun pictures on them. Could you just imagine getting into an accident while wearing adult-sized Pretty Pony underwear?
There are few things more precious than watching a child sleep.
Way to hot these past 3 weeks. I was more reflective on my last post.....probably more melancholic as that's who I am.....
I'll have to dig out one of my fave sleeping kid pics. Actually I have about 3 -- 1 Annie, 1 Robbie and 1 of all 3.
The dollhouse pictures are awesome!
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