You can find an album of pictures on the fan page (link is in the left side bar).
It was far too packed to run much. I ran when I could. According to the Smart Runner app on my Palm Pre Plus, I ran an average speed of 3.11 (which shows how often I had to walk) and my max speed was 7.27! I completed the run/walk in 53 minutes and 22 seconds. Next year, I am eager to run the entire course.
I am also very excited for the next 5K... end of June. I'm eager to jump into training and work on distance and then on speed. I've got about 2 months to prepare!
The most moving moment for me was during the Survivors Parade... I was enjoying just cheering for everyone, clapping and yelling... Then I stepped forward and started giving hi-fives to women who made eye contact with me. I even had someone ask me for a hi-five!!
I had an emotional moment when a woman in the 5 year survivor group walked by- carrying a child around Zach's age and walking with a child around Teagan's age. Those kids could have lost their mommy to cancer... I choke up now just thinking about her.
The most amazing thing about participating in Race for the Cure is that all of these people- 40,000+... All come together with HOPE. There were people there who fight the Cause just because. There are people there walking and running in memory of someone. There are people walking in celebration and support of someone's battle. From infants being worn by their mothers to teens to young women to middle aged women to old women. Black, White, Asian, Hispanic. Men and women, boys and girls. All coming together with hope for a cure.
What an amazing thing to be part of. Great job!
You go!!!! What an incredible day it must have been! Because of your inspiration, I've signed up for a local 5K West County Walk in support of Race for the Cure. I have a really tough time with crowds, so I am doing this one instead of the big St. Louis Race in June.
Thank you for sharing your journey!
Yaaay! What a great experience, for a great cause. You did AWESOME! 7.27 MPH as your top speed--that's fantastic!!
So wonderful. Those events are so, so inspiring.
Great job Liz!
Way to go, Liz, it sounds like such an amazing event to be a part of.
AWESOME. This sounds so great. I'm looking forward to my Susan G. Komen event in November.
I talked to another friend today who was there. She talked about how amazing it was to be part of that many people united for the same cause. I'm glad you had a good experience. What 5K are you doing in June?
Great job Liz, I knew you could do it!!! Keep up the motivation.
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