Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Just Too Much!

I feel like I just have too much to do and am in one of those places where I can't quite balance it all. Someone at church remarked to me that I am just so busy and I do so much fun stuff and how do I ever find time for it? I've avoided Mt. Laundry for a couple of weeks now. Jeff is the saint who gets it clean. I'm supposed to then fold, hang up and put away my clothes, Teagan's clothes, and Zach's clothes. It hasn't happened in a while so each morning starts with a dumping of the clean hamper on the bed or rummaging through the dryer. I haven't used my kitchen to actually cook a meal in weeks. Truly. Life has just been hectic and eating out to avoid making a mess has just been easier. I did work hard on cleaning up when I did all that work on the playroom. I did actually do a lot of vaccuuming- edges of ceilings and floor boards and random spots on the wall. I keep the bathroom clean (not spotless, just clean). I guess I just need to state what I think is obvious- I am not supermom and I am not trying to be! Things started sliding... I have no clue when. But August was crazy hectic. September had that business travel. October had me in training for a solid week and that put me behind on a lot of stuff. I'm trying to slow things down while still making time for everything and everyone that is demanding or just deserving of my time and energy. I keep thinking I can make myself promises- I will fold laundry while I watch TV tonight. But it doesn't happen. I need to take back my kitchen. I need to clean it up and get it in the best working order. I need to fold and put away clothing so my kids aren't left in chaos each morning. I need to get back to having a plan, being at least a little organized, and feeling less chaotic. I just wish I could figure out the best way to actually make that happen. I actually wrote this Monday afternoon. I spent Monday night folding and putting away laundry. I made dinner Monday night, too. Apparently, I just needed to confess and get back on track a little bit. Hopefully it lasts...



Amy said...

So with you, my friend. I actually gave my kids permission to nag me to clean my own bedroom tonight.

Nancy said...

I will come over and fold your laundry next time it gets away from you. So far, since moving in with the inlaws, my mil washes and folds our clothes. It is weird actually.

Garret said...

Soon the kids will be at an age ripe for slave labor. ;-)

Shell said...

Maybe I need to confess to a lot of the same things so that I will find the motivation to get them done.

I just dug through a mountain of clothes this morning to find my boys things to wear to school. A clean mountain...but why can't I put them away?

Liz Mays said...

I can share in how you feel in terms of perpetually feeling behind the 8-ball. Will we ever be on top of things?

Alison said...

I was actually thinking the other day of your confession several months ago of not cleaning the house, b/c I was starting to feel guilty about having a maid service. Then I remembered my response to your post about how that 50s perfect housewife image is a load of bull.

When I started teaching again this quarter, I was feeling pretty good about keeping my stuff together. Then we met kitty...and it's all gone to you-know-where. Besides constantly making arrangements for friends and neighbors to fill in during the day for her every-4-hour feedings, I'm learning how parents of newborns feel, trying to function normally on broken sleep.

As cute as the "baby" is, she is still NOT making me re-consider the decision to be childless!

Anyway, just had to share my own overscheduling. I liked your footnote that you managed to motivate yourself!

Bill Lisleman said...

I guess your kids are not old enough to fold clothes yet? You could get them started with sorting anyway.

C. Beth said...

Confession is good for the soul. :) Glad you're getting back on track. I'm feeling a little overwhelmed these days too.

Unknown said...

Flartus' issue is the same I have. I occasionally feel guilty for having a house cleaner every 2 weeks, but then I remember that having that frees me up to do other things that are actually better for the whole family. And, knowing that on every other Wednesday she's coming is so helpful...we all tend to keep things a bit cleaner and neater so that she can get in there and do the heavy cleaning. I have found the less clutter in my home, the less clutter in my mind.

The No Wonder Mom said...

I'm with you! Pulled clothes out of Mt. Laundry or the dryer for the kids to wear to school both yesterday and Monday. Finally got it all folded and put away last night. Just came to the conclusion that there's no such thing as a real June Cleaver, and I'm good with that!! :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, I can relate! Laundry and I do not get along! I can wash it all day long, but folding and puting away is another story. I hope you find some balance soon. Weeks like this make crazy! You're not alone!