Tuesday, March 29, 2011

A Side Benefit

I've been sharing this week about my experiences as a volunteer chaperone for our church's youth girls going on the Revolve Tour this past weekend.

As much as I loved the time I spent with those girls... there was a side benefit that I hadn't anticipated.

I bonded with the moms on the trip. Paulette is our pastor's wife. She's a nurse. She's a compassionate woman, she's got a wicked sense of humor, and I have a feeling we could have a crazy night on the town together. Carol is a woman I've known in small ways. Our circles cross sometimes but we've never sat and just spent time together. This weekend, I got to spend time with these 2 women.

Now, we didn't have any sort of slumber party. We didn't sit around and bond and talk and cry. But we laughed- a lot. And we talked. At one point, Paulette and I went and walked around the arena, got some popcorn, and just snacked and talked for a while. OK, maybe there was some standing around and talking and bonding.

And I confess- I did cry. At our last dinner together, just before heading back home, I shared with Paulette how important she was in my being part of our church family. See, when I first joined our church, I ended up miscarrying my first pregnancy just 4 days after my first time attending a church service there. And that church family came together in ways I never imagined for someone they didn't really know. And Paulette was someone who came to me with great love and compassion and really helped me through some difficult weight. I shared that with her- and I cried while doing it.

And the laughter! We laughed about all 6 teens riding in my car while Paulette and Carol got to ride together, listen to the radio, and talk to each other. We laughed while playing Telestrations with the girls. We laughed about men and sex and food and drink. We laughed about the girls and each other. We discovered our mutual love of Skyline Chili, Starbucks, and grown up bevvies.

And now I have 2 more women in my church that I feel a renewed kinship with and am eager and excited to see them again. I have 2 women that I respect and admire that I can turn to when I need parenting advice or when I'm struggling with my kids or my husband or my faith. I have 2 women that I can trust with my kids. It's an amazing feeling when you strengthen the bonds with your family.

I can't wait to have some serious fun with these women again. And next time- no kids!



Shell said...

Sounds like it was a fabulous weekend!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a fun time for all! Glad you had a great experience Liz!

Amy said...

Sometimes it seems like I don't have room in my life for anyone else. Then people are put on my path and I wonder how I got along without them. Sounds like you've found 2 of those kind of people.

Liz Mays said...

I can see how fulfilling this whole experience is!