When I was pulling old pictures for yesterday's post, I came across a picture taken just a day or two after we first brought Zach home from the hospital in 2007. I look SO YOUNG in this picture! My hair isn't colored and also isn't gray. Amazing how much grayer my hair has gotten since then. And I'd say I'm getting back to that size now- but with improvements because my pants size is definitely lower than it has been in years. And I looooove the look on Zach's face- it's completely a sign of what was to come with his little funny personality.

1. I am completely incapable of parallel parking. In fact, I don't even like to back into a parking place at all.
2. If money wasn't a concern, I would love to open a little children's book store. We'd have lots of activities and book reading and an area just for parents to sit and relax.
3. Actually, if money wasn't a concern, Jeff and I would love to open a game store. We'd love to have a place where teens could hang out, play various games like Magic and D&D and stuff.
4. I'm getting more responsibility at work. No more money, just more work. I don't mind- it will be good to feel really busy again.
5. While I'm thrilled for Butler being in the Final Four (that's a college basketball tournament for those unsporty types), it stinks that they play Saturday night because it's ruining my chance for a date night!
6. I didn't learn to ride a bike until I was maybe 10 years old. Timeline is a little fuzzy- but I was definitely much older than most bike learning kids.
7. I'm totally geeked about the music we're singing at church this Sunday and next. Some of my favorite Chris Tomlin songs are in our contemporary music. But this week, we are singing Morning Has Broken in first service and next week, our offertory is Day By Day!
I really, really stink at passing awards on. I have oodles of bloggers I love to read or have just started reading. I try my best to keep my blogroll up to date. So maybe you should nominate someone from my blogroll and I'll give the nominated bloggers this award! And please don't hesitate to nominate yourself!
It is remarkably difficult to find someone willing to babysit at 6:30 in the morning on a Saturday. Thankfully, I'm willing to just bypass the event that would require a sitter at 6:30 in the morning.
I had been keeping a separate blog for awards- but I've been wanting to change from that blog to a tab at the top of this main blog. I think I'll work on that...
And I will leave you with what I find to be an adorable video of my kids reading "The Monster At The End Of This Book."
Congrats on your award! I am terrible at parallel parking and rarely attempt it.
Your kids are ADORABLE! My daughter also has a similar green Tinkerbell nightgown--so cute. :)
You were beautiful then. And you are very, very beautiful now. The love inside you shines through.
I love Friday Fragments! Great idea. Of course I loved the "mention" of me, and coffee is my fav especially when shared with a friend. Your kids are adorable.
Blah blah blah, show us the rabbit statue!
Everyone reading comments, please ask Liz about the statue.
Forget young, look how HAPPY you are in that picture! Zach is just adorable, what a little stinker.
In case you missed it, Garret says he wants you to sew him a pink rabbit costume for Easter.
Congrats on the award!
I always wanted to own a bookshop, but eventually it occurred to me that I had no desire to work 7 days a week so I kind of got over that. The sci-fi bookshop that I used to work at runs regular Magic and D&D gaming days :-)
Love the pic of mini-Zac and you and the video was indeed adorable!
Most importantly, however, what's all this about a statue?
Were you able to pull off the April Fools joke? What was it?
I've only needed an early-morning sitter one time, and thankfully my mom rose to the challenge. Her boyfriend wasn't too thrilled to have a toddler on his doorstep at 6:30AM, but he got over it :)
Love the bookshop idea. We have the cutest one ever in our town and I would love to open something like that, with cool book character decorations and kid parties and crafts.
Visiting from Fragments, only a few days late :)
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