As I was typing up last week's entry on Saint Nicholas and the Veggie Tales movie and all that... I had the idea to have Santa leave a bag of food for Teagan to take to the food pantry for him. I had a lot of favorable responses from other moms that want to do the same. But I've changed what I'm going to do and thought it only fair to share that change here!
Teagan and I will go shopping for food on Thursday. We will have a bag or box filled with food and leave a note on it that will ask Santa to please take the food and give it to a family he knows needs it. After all, St Nicholas was all about giving to those in need and doing it secretly. This really carries on that tradition.

Since I will be heading to church for the 11:00 service, I can take the food with me and leave it at the missions table. So when she wakes up, the food will be gone. And Santa will leave her an empty box and a note...

Asking her and Zach to please fill the box with toys that they don't play with anymore that we can then donate to Goodwill. That will make room for their new toys and will also help out other mommies and daddies and kids.
I think that should pretty well cover us on the giving side of Christmas. I think the lesson will be powerful and will be a great tradition that we can easily carry on year after year.
Liz, that's inspired, what a perfect idea :-)
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this idea!!!
Just tweeted about this. I'll post it on FB too.
What a thoughtful idea! Will pass this on to my daughters as well! Merry Christmas!
That is a really, really great idea! We have already gone through and taken our unused and ill-fitting items to the Christmas Council, but I am keeping this idea in my mind for next year.
Perfect...almost makes me want to have kids, just to be able to use it myself.
I wonder if we could use this on Rosie somehow...
Thanks for sharing the idea, Liz. My four year-old daughter already shares her toys, but I really like the idea of Santa taking food to those in need. You really rock with some great mom ideas!
Call Me Cate linked to this in her blog today! Show My Face
Perfect. Well played!
Liz, this is an incredible idea! Santa doesn't need anymore milk and cookies, but other families could sure use some food and kids can use gently used toys. We don't have any children yet, but when we do, know that your idea has inspired me and I will begin this tradition with my children someday!
You come up with the coolest ideas!
That sounds like an AWESOME idea!
I'm stealing your traditions.
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