BIG NEWS!! After a year of nagging, reminding, encouraging, and threatening... I have my dining room back! Jeff totally surprised me. I came home last night, went into the kitchen and there.... through the doorway... my dining room table, set with plates, a clean floor. There is still a lot of stuff in the area- and I'm ok with that. I just want us to be able to sit at the table and eat a meal together. And now we can!!

This week on my Zen... I've been watching Showtime's Weeds. It's definitely addicting and funny and I am enjoying it. I'm just a few episodes into the second season right now. I do totally LOVE the music and am already eyeballing the soundtracks. I'd love to watch United States of Tara, season 4 of Dexter, season 4 of Big Love, season 2 of True Blood (and season 3 comes this summer)...
And the hits just keep on comin'... Zach has pink eye. Jeff and I covered the day home with him yesterday. I took a vacation day to be home with him today. Can this boy please get healthy and stay healthy? He is, at least, happy and having fun!
I totally wrote a fan e-mail to a couple of missionaries yesterday. Ha! There's a first time for everything! I spent some time on the Livesay's Haiti blog- and what touched me so deeply was to go and read the birthday stories of each of their kids. Click over, scroll down until you find the pictures of the kids, click on the pictures to go to the stories and then tell me you didn't cry at least once!
Jeff has been in super-duper husband mode this week. He's been stepping up to help more often, he made dinner one night this week, he got the dining room done, he's been doing laundry and washing dishes. It might seem like he's "after something," but he really isn't (he gets plenty of "something" without touching a dish or laundry basket).
Has anyone done a Walk to Emmaus before? I'm considering doing it this April...
Weekend ahead... a pancake breakfast Saturday morning (fundraiser for our local food pantry), Sassy gets groomed (our groomer comes to our house- it's awesome), church... menu planning, grocery list, shopping.
Yay for the dining room table :0)
Jeff sounds like he's making life a lot easier for you, and that's very nice!
I've never heard of most of those shows. Guess I need to get out from under this rock.
I've never heard of Walk to Emmaus. Going there next to see what it's all about.
congrats on the dining room bet you will enjoy
good luck with the pink eye I hope it goes by swiftly
Sorry, still stuck on the dining room table...
I hear you on the dining room. Since we are down to only three people eating each night, we only have to clean off one end. I am amazed, once we completely empty the table, how quickly we have to clean it off again!
Good for Jeff! I'm sure having that table cleaned off is one more thing off your mental "to do" list! Miss Chef is terrible about filling any available surface with crap...I, on the other hand, am perfect. (*snort*, hee hee!!)
word verification: emocat
Yeah for Jeff and the victories this week. It's got to be nice to have a couple stressors removed.
LOL at Jeff getting plenty of "something" without all the extra help - but yay for all the extra help, right??
I always joke with Hubs when he does something around the house that he just wants a little something...even though it's not true. But, it always makes us laugh.
YEA! for the Sacred Dining Table--cleared and served at!!! Enjoy your weekend! You deserve it!
How nice to have a place to eat. My husband, also, has been extremely helpful this last week. He normally does a lot, but this week, every single day, I've come home to laundry done and put away and dishes done. Hmmm...
I love that you wrote a fan letter to a missionary. You are inspirational to me Liz!
I LOVE (double love) that your husband did that for your dining room. What a great guy!
Have heard GREAT stuff about Walk to Emmaeus. The "secrecy" of it sorta freaks me out but I think it's probably a really cool experience. :)
Good for you! A hubby that is helping out is really a treasure. (I've heard. I don't have any personal experience with it.)
Have a great weekend!
Hang on to him for dear life!!!! I have some tables in my house I've never seen either, some areas of floor too! :(
Walk to Emmaus...YES YES YES!!!! DO IT...DO IT...DO IT!!! I did it, I loved it! LIFE changing!!!!
Weeds was good for the first few seasons, then I stopped watching.
YES, get to USoT soon!!!
It's the simple things isn't it? Like having a dining room table to sit at?
Haven't done Walk to Emmaus, but have done the Catholic version (I think) - Christ Renews His Parish. Definitely a gift to yourself.
Hope next week is sick-free!
May you share many wonderful meals at your newly rediscovered dining room table.
May you get all of your list marked off this weekend in time to relax at your table :)
I'm so glad for you; that you have a partner. It's wonderful, isn't it?!
Weeds is brilliantly written. Wish we still had time to watch it, but the DVR is packed already! Plus, can't watch it with the kids around, so we'll have to catch up in a few years, haha.
Yay for family dinners! Yay for helpful husbands.
My husband claimed our dining room table as his place to keep paperwork, that cannot under any circumstances be moved. UGH. I'd love to come home and see it all cleared off. WOW You must be over the moon. Congrats.
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