So I belong to a gym. I joined at the end of July. Christy and I joined together- because it is right across the street from the office. Literally. It's small. It's "exclusive." It's less expensive than other gyms. There are 2 trainers there every day and we like them. So we joined.
In August, we signed up for a "Boot Camp" that took place twice a week. We work out on our lunch hour and the class was for employees of my company- a handful of us are members. 3 of us did the Boot Camp. It lasted until October. We were measured by improvement shown on a fitness test.
We are now doing a Pedometer Challenge.
We started by determining a baseline of daily steps. In my day to day life, I have to admit to generally enjoying as much lazy time as I can get. So my baseline was pretty low. Over the course of 3 days, I took a total of 12,912 steps. Pretty pathetic. Only got "aerobic steps" one of the 3 days (aerobic gets measured after 10 minutes of constant motion).
For the past 3 days, I've taken a total of 28,612 steps. Much better! And I've gotten at least 2,000 aerobic steps each day.
I started out setting my daily goals pretty low. 1,000 aerobic steps (about 10 mins of walking) and 5,000 total steps.
I've just adjusted my goals. 8,000 daily steps. 2,000 aerobic steps.
Constant motion. A body in motion remains in motion. If I can be moving, I'm moving. I march in place, I do squats, I bounce.
Weekend are a challenge. Not because I'm sitting around being lazy. But because I'm moving somewhere to do something and the "doing something" takes up time.
I think that all of the Challenge participants are running in a pretty tight pack. I know I am lagging behind Christy.
I think there should be a sliding scale to give those of us with kids a break. Ha! It's harder when your time is dictated by the needs, wants, and whims of children.
So cheer me on! I really want to do better than I've been doing. I really want to have a solid week of at least 10K steps each day. I'm not sure when I can get that... I achieved it Tues and Weds of this week... I'm confident I can get it done today. Keep me on track! 4 more days of at least 10K steps each day- and that includes over the weekend. It's a Pedometer Challenge and I am going to make it a challenge for me right now!

GO, go, GOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! I know you can do it! Wear it while dancing, that should count, right? So, put on B-52s, and dance with the kids. :)
I get an oodle of steps when dancing to "Single Ladies." Lotsa hip swinging on that one...
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