I honestly considered being very serious with my answers but... being silly was just too tempting! (And I feel the need to tell you that the pic quality is bad because most of these pictures were taken with my cell phone, here in my office. Yes, I'm uber-productive.)
She assigned me a letter and I have to list 10 things I like that start with the letter...
Reading - I love to read. I can't say that I read everything like I used to. There simply isn't enough time for it. But I do love to get sucked into a good book. Heck, I even enjoy suffering through a not-so-good book! I'm almost done with "New Moon" (second book in the Twilight series) and then plan to tackle "Wicked." I'm generally a fast reader and can tear through a really good book in a couple of days. In my youth, I'd read 2-3 books in a day! Even created a reading nook in my closet- pillows and blankets and a lamp and a stack of books.
Radio (NPR) - I do listen to tunes but I've really gotten hooked on listening to National Public Radio. Wait Wait, Prairie Home Companion, Diane Rehm, Fresh Air... and many more... all shows I love to hear! All shows I learn a lot from or just find myself smiling while listening. I don't get to listen as much as I'd like to anymore. But it is the station I generally turn to when I'm alone. With the kids, we listen to a lot of 70's and 80's music. That's dad's influence. There is a station here that plays old broadcasts from the 80's of America's Top 40 Countdown every Sunday.
Raspberry... Specifically Graeter's Black Raspberry Chocolate Chip Ice Cream. This stuff is sent to Cincinnati directly from heaven, I think. It's really that good.
Or maybe I just like blowing raspberries? I know it is one the cutest milestones for my babies... they are way cuter blowing raspberries than I am.

Roses. My favorite flowers are actually gerbera daisies or tulips. But who doesn't love roses, too? I'd be perfectly happy if Jeff swooped into the front door with a bouquet of roses... or had some delivered to my office. Heck, even the edible made-from-fruit kind are good!
Running - I never thought I'd be at a point in my life that I could say that I even remotely imagine myself running, let alone actually enjoying it. I don't like it while I'm doing it... but I like it before and after. If that makes any sense.
Relaxing - Yeah, this pic was taken at work... feet up on the desk... and that never really happens. But I do enjoy getting even a few minutes of relaxation each day. Honestly, one method of relaxation and centering that I've been enjoying lately is on my Wii Fit, of all things. One of the "balance games" is "Lotus Focus." You sit on the board, don't talk, don't move. The screen is mostly dark, save for a lit candle that emits a ring of light around it, illuminating a hard wood floor. You hear various nature sounds, the floor creaking, a throat clearing. And your job is to sit still on the balance board, good posture, legs crossed. For 3 minutes. I love it. It's 3 minutes that I can claim with no interruptions, no talking, no responding. 3 solid minutes.
Rooibos Tea- I discovered these red teas a couple of years ago and the flavor is dreamy. This Celestial Seasonings Madagascar Vanilla Red is one of my faves for a cup of hot tea!
RV'ing - One of my favorite blogs. Not so much for the adventures that Jim and Garret take on but more just to get to know these guys. Jim only shares a story from time to time so most of the perspective comes from Garret. But he's become a great friend. He reads this blog daily, always has a funny comment to share. He has also linked around to other blogs that I follow so I get to enjoy his humor on other blogs as well. And, someday, Jeff and I plan to actually do the RV thing so it's interesting to read about the ins and outs of this kind of travel!
Rapping. Yep, it's true. I love to rap. I walk around the office, throwing down
my rhymes. I have no idea if that link will work. I am beyond frustrated with the video taken on my cell phone that I cannot possibly retrieve or get to work in any way, shape, or form. So click it and hopefully you get to see and hear me really make a fool out of myself!! (Edited: We are experiencing technical difficulty. Once we work out our video issues, I will have to do a separate post for my crowning glory!)
Responsibility. An odd thing to claim to like. But it's actually what I love. I became a mom and not only did I learn levels of love, joy, anger, frustration, fear that I had never imagined before, but I discovered the weight and fulfillment of true responsibility.
So I hope I at least made you smile. Or roll your eyes. Or groan. At least I didn't tell pirate jokes (Arrrrrr)...
And if you'd like your own turn at the alphabet game (and please don't feel that you need to be as crazy as me to play), leave a comment letting me know that you want to play and I will pick a letter for you!
That was great! Not just because you mentioned moi but because you even included photos! I'll give it a shot.
Nice photo journaling, Liz (except for the reversed tea pic)!
Gosh you sure work hard at your "job."
Great post. You know I love you.
Oh yeah, what's my letter?
LOVE that you did this meme with photos!! Excellent. I need a post for tomorrow --- What's my letter??
No eye rolling or groaning here, just smiles!
I'll play along too please :)
Her name is Humpty.
Pronounced with an umpty.
All the rappers in the top ten,
Please allow Liz to bump thee.
The Humpy Dance is your chance.
To Do the Hump.
I really need to get movin' and update my blog (and I could use a break from homeschooling and studying for my comps on Sunday)...a letter?
Love this BTW!
I think I've given letters to everyone who has requested... I just went to your latest post and left a comment... let me know if I missed you or if I hit you and you didn't ask for it!! LOL!
Please don't assign me another letter! But I just had to say, Way to Go! That was awesome! And you crack me up, you really do :) I needed a giggle tonight, so thanks.
Is it too late for me to play? I just got home from the hospital a little while ago and am finally catching up on my blogging.
I also like Rutagagas (a sort of turnip-y root vegetable), Rainstorms, Rummage Sales, and Riki Tiki Tavi. :) Great list, Liz!
I'll play! Perhaps you'll post the people you've picked to play so we can peruse their picks...
Thanks for the stinkin' T, Liz. Seemed like an easy letter until I realized at first past my only answer was Tetracyclin. Garret got F and was whining. He has no idea how easy F is. I'll give it a little more effort and see what I can do, but T is TOUGH!
And Chris... LOVE the Humpty Liz rhyme! You got mad skilz, boyeeee!
HA, HA! I love that you did this at work. Are you hiring?? If you want to assign me a letter, I'll play!
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