I'm getting the itch, the call, the drive.
I want a family vacation.
We schedule our time off around Lisa's days off. She plans her off time each December for the coming year so that her parents can plan accordingly with their jobs. It's very helpful.
Last summer, we took her week off in July and planned our first official Family Vacation.
We spent 2 days at Sesame Place in Langhorne, PA (near Philly) and then the rest of the week was spent in Dushore, PA (NE part of the state, up in the mountains) with my family (my parents and brothers).
It was the best family vacation I've ever been on. We had such a good time.
Check out our pics from last summer. And my review of our days there. Learn more about Sesame Place.
Here's the deal.
I wanna go back.

We had planned on waiting until the summer of 2010 because then Zach would be old enough to enjoy it more and remember the trip. But... I know he'll have a BLAST this summer, even if it doesn't stick in his long term memory. Heck, he had a great time when he was a baby there!! Doesn't he look way too cute in those pics?? It's where he fell in LOVE with Ernie and Big Bird! And he'd still have the pics to look back on. And Teagan still talks about our trip and things she remembers from it. And loves looking at the pictures.
And it is SERIOUSLY fun for any adult who grew up watching Sesame Street. I got all happy and warm and fuzzy meeting the giant sized versions of my favorite city-dwelling Muppets. Even Jeff enjoyed the trip and was happy and riding rides.
We need to go back. And I can't wait well over another year before we go. I want to go again this summer. Check out the website. Look at the attractions. Check out the new water area opening this year- Count's Castle. It looks AMAZING.
Did I mention that I want to go? Now?

So everyone please leave a comment about the importance of family vacations, your memories of your own childhood family vacations, your memories of Sesame Street, regrets about not taking fun family vacations... whatever angle you can think of. We have to convince the Mister that this summer's vacation HAS to happen!!!
Oh my gosh.... love your puppy/puss in boots imploring pics! So funny.
We are taking the ultimate family vacation next month and I am equal parts excited and anxiety-ridden about it. *~* We are going to, gulp, Disney World!!! The kids are all psyched. I've never been! My husband went once, but wasn't impressed by it at all, as evidenced by his lack of enthusiasm. I know they will have an amazing time. I am hoping I have an amazing time. I am hoping my husband can loosen up and enjoy himself, too.
I know it will be one of our special memories while we are in England for two years. :))
Liz - do it. Your kids are only going to be this age once. The experience and memories they and you will take away from this place will only happen just once. They likely will enjoy it next year as they're in that age group, but who knows what next year will bring. If you can afford it and make it work, then do it. I wish we had done more vacations like that with Hayden when he was that age. We did Disneyland when he was 7 and then it became all about the warm winter vacations - more about us than him, but he still had a blast. I didn't have any family vacations as a child and so I knew no different. But now that we travel at least 2 or 3 times a year, I know what I missed out on and want my son to have better than that. You know what I mean when I say that it's true quality time and that week or two spent packed with family stuff focussing on your family is worth its weight in gold for both your kids and yourself. Life is short, your kids grow so fast. Follow those instincts and JUST DO IT!
I agree. Do it. You'll all have a terrific time! I'm only about an hour from Sesame Place. I took the kids there once and we had a great time! And I used to go to the mountains with my boyfriend from my teen years. His parents had a cabin in Laporte, not far from Dushore! I went skinny dipping in Lake Makoma!
When I was a kid we used to go on lots of holidays. We'd go with my mum's twin sister's family so we had our cousins to play with as well as the fun of being on holiday.
My mum, aunt and uncle were all teachers and my dad was a university lecturer so we were able to go on holidays quite often. Every Christmas we would camp at a beach for at least a week. We did weekends away, again either camping or staying in holiday cabins on a farm or in a camping area, on a regular basis and often went for week long trips in the 2 week breaks between school terms too.
Those holidays are the things I remember most from my childhood, wonderful experiences.
Best wishes for your vacation! Rock it sistah.
Me? I never went on vacation much until I met Larry, but one memorable childhood vacay was of my family (Mom, Pops, Mona, Lisa, Mark and me) driving from NY to FL in a blue Bonneville convertible, circa 1963. I was five. I rode most of the way down and most of the way back curled up in the passenger seat foot well with my head up under the dash. Do you believe it? There was no such thing as safety back then. God I'm old - and evidently, brain damaged.
Loving these responses!!!
Another reason to go this year- Zach is still young enough that his admission would be free to Sesame Place as well as other area attractions.
Free admission all good!
I remember camping a lot when I was small and want to do the same with Will when he's bigger. We've only gone on one big family vacation (Sydney a couple years back) see pix here: http://www.tickle.co.nz/photos/yodaobi/holiday
We are trying to save for a deposit on a house otherwise we'd have gone back.
One day!
Yoda, I love those pics!! So fun!! And was cracking off at your boy flipping off the camera... and the tub shots... and your husband with the shark (he has amazing hair, by the way).
Oh- and that lighthouse was gorgeous. Looove lighthouses.
My dad was big on family vacations growing up. Every summer we would take a big vacation - from Disney World, to cruises to visiting family in New York, Canada, Jamaica, etc.
One summer though when I was in jr. high school, my parents, my brother and I went on a 3 month European vacation. Yes, I said 3 MONTHS!!!! We spent 6 weeks in Great Britain and 6 weeks in Europe itself. We went EVERYWHERE, did EVERYTHING, visited EVERY museum, church, etc.
Suffice to say by the end of this trip which was mostly by BritRail and EurRail, we were exhausted and ready to come home. As a child you don't fully appreciate how great an opportunity this is. You just think...The Louvre? What?, Eiffel Tower? Who? Buckingham Palace? Why?
I think I would definitely enjoy it more now. So my advice to you all is no 3 month vacations with your jr high school kids! Try 2 or 3 weeks instead:)
I totally love Sesame Street! If you can swing it, I say go. If it's not in the budget or the schedule, check out Holiday World. Seriously, as cheesy as it sounds, that place is AWESOME! NO Big Bird, but Holidog is pretty cute. :)
Oh wow, Jackie!! I can't imagine being away from home for 3 months! That really is amazing!
Amy, I thought about Holiday World. A friend pointed out that the kids would enjoy SP more and that it would be geared toward smaller kids more and she recommended saving Holiday World for when they are both big enough to enjoy more of it. I don't think it sounds cheesy- I hear great things about it!
I know I'm coming late to this party, but maybe Jeff would want a second chance at a Zoe butt-grab? So, y'know, it's not all about the kids.
Oh, Flartus!!! I love that one!!
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